Are you happy with the status quo?
Why ? Do you want to improve?
It takes two to Tango Who ?
Don’t leave it to others You can make a difference. If everybody leaves it to somebody else then nobody WILL! Top performers: have a can do attitude and focus on factors they can manage Bottom performers: blame others, fixate on excuses around factors they cannot manage like Foreign Exchange, Weather, Government, Economy etc
These are the key elements for improvement How ? FEEDBACK AND REINFORCEMENT
A: Focus Objective, priority B: TeamworkNo man is an island, we depend on others C: MeasurementNo measurement, no progress D: Feedback and reinforcement. Often with Money but not always ie Olympic Gold. Look at Sport Why are they popular ? Immediate feedback and reward?
Roadblocks to improvement: What? Evils of averaging Examples of ineffective measurement and/ or feedback are: Auction selling per hd, leg buying, all weights all grades
Wool sales per kg only: micron, length, colour, vegetable matter etc Pelts Wool on skins Saleable carcass yield Dressing out yield (Live weight to carcass weight) Ccs trim. Is it the same for each processor ?
Choose your processor Who doesn’t treat you like one of these… Where?
One who supplies you the information required to make informed decisions to improve the inherent value of your product AND who will pay you for it Is Market driven to survive, evolve and prosper
When ? NOW! Don’t leave it to others