Spatial data in R M Sumner
Outline Packages Spatial Import and export Maps and projections Big data Community, resources Sweave?
Packages sp, rgdal, maptools, gstat, spdep, spacetime RNetCDF, ncdf, ncdf4 maps, mapdata, Rgooglemaps, dismo spatstat raster adehabitat trip, tripEstimation CRAN Task Views... and much more!
R Spatial Basic R graphics and data structures sp - GIS-like data structures Formal Spatial classes Grids – images, rasters, terrains, DEMs Points, lines, polygons, grids with attribute data
NetCDF NetCDF in R – ncdf, ncdf4, rgdal (maybe), and RNetCDF R handles multi-dimensional arrays and dimension metadata, packages provide read/write access GIS and NetCDF models have only limited overlap, it’s always difficult
Projections rgdal - general input/output and map projection support Transform methods for Spatial objects Raster reprojection is destructive – involving resampling Raster package
Trip package Extension of SpatialPointsDataFrame Work with multiple tracks in a single object Functions for filtering, gridding, summary Convert track points to shapefile lines
Community R-Sig-Geo, R-Sig-Eco, Animov R-help, R-devel R-downunder
Resources CRAN Quick R Crantastic! R Reference Card: Ross: