Proposal for improving the Department of Planning (TPS) system. G.Fernihough & A.Eastcott Landgate 4th October, 2009
Landgate Cadastral Polygons
DOP LPS Dataset
Landgate Polygons intersecting DOP LPS Data
Landgate Polygons Centroids - Swan, Mundaring and Kalamunda LGA”S
Landgate Polygons intersecting DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons Centroids
n Landgate Polygons intersecting DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons Centroids
Landgate Polygons intersecting DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons Centroids
Intersect DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons Centroids
Landgate Polygons Centroids with DOP LPS Data
Intersect Landgate Polygons Centroids with DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons
Intersect Landgate Polygons Centroids with DOP LPS Data and Landgate Polygons
Landgate Polygons with no intersecting DOP LPS Data
Landgate Polygons with no intersecting DOP LPS Data requiring further investigation (58)
Landgate Polygons with no intersecting DOP LPS Data requiring further investigation (58)
Landgate Polygons with no intersecting DOP LPS Data requiring further investigation
Landgate Polygons with no intersecting DOP LPS Data requiring further investigation
Singular Polygon To R_Code Connection Accuracy (first pass) 88.7% using Polygon Join 97.3% using Polygon Centroids
Benefits Identify graphical data differences Identify “white holes” Improved data quality Produce polygon R-Code table Time and effort savings Can compare table to Valsys, LGA’s, etc. Potential for new products and services