Associate Professor Duncan McDuie-Ra “Extreme Poverty and International Development?”
What is development? Practice (process) and a goal (condition) ‘…actual historical and material occurrence: a significant change in the economic, social, political, and cultural affecting large groups of people.’ AND ‘…development can be seen as a construct, mental picture, or theory about such change.’ Dwivedi et al., 2007: 17 Material and ideational aspects Constant contestation Dependant on perspectives
What is Poverty? A- Monetary B- Human poverty C- Social exclusion D- Participatory Poverty often used synonymously with the following: Inequality Hunger Marginalization Contest naturalisation of poverty- necessary consequence of development/ modernity
What is the relationship of one to the other? 1. development addresses poverty 2. development produces poverty 3. development is an uneven process AND a multi-actor process - Key question for you; which actions and actors produce which results…and for whom?
Agency Individual and collective agency Organizations Volunteer and professional Local, international Vote Read (guardian uk)