Access Subgroup Catalogue Guidelines Osaka March Guidelines Status Report
Access Subgroup Catalogue Guidelines Osaka March Catalogue Guidelines Developed by Catalogue Subgroup and inherited by the Access Subgroup Provides guidance on development of interoperable catalogue systems Updated during 1998 to incorporate CINTEX/CIP results Now on line in HTML format Each chapter is a separate page Updated following comments at last meeting Now CEOS Banner on every page to improve navigation Work to shorten the document ongoing Goal is 2 pages/chapter
Access Subgroup Catalogue Guidelines Osaka March Auxiliary Data Reference Document Developed by Auxiliary Data Task Team of the Data Subgroup Established as separate chapters on the NOAA HyperNews site Chapters correspond to science areas - eg Land Surface, Atmosphere, Ocean, Cryosphere etc Each chapter now subdivided into topic subsections Transferred to NOAA for incorporation into HyperNews workshop Will be monitored closely when fully established as a virtual workshop to evaluate whether the approach is effective
Access Subgroup Catalogue Guidelines Osaka March Format Guidelines Developed by the Format Task Team of the Data Subgroup Converted to HTML and available on-line Proposed for virtual workshop hosted by NOAA
Access Subgroup Catalogue Guidelines Osaka March Future Development These documents have value as a record of the unique experience that exists within the groups Eg Catalogue Guidelines is the only place where the federation management knowledge is captured Format guidelines are the only place where all the common data storage and delivery formats are described Need to keep them up to date Traditional review mechanisms lengthy Virtual Workshops may be one way to help maintain accurate and complete information content A suite of Guidelines Browse Guidelines Data Access Guidelines (?) Standardisation of Approach Guidelines Guidelines (?)