A Conversation about… William Martin, President Jericho Resources, Inc. February 4, 2013
was “Work First” Mijn eerste Nederlandse les…
Higher & Longer-Term Unemployment More Clients More Clients with Multiple Challenges & Needs High Workload for Staff Not Enough Money to Do Everything!
I recommend Mooie Toekomst Business Model Mooie Toekomst Business Model to address gemeenten challenges & needs.
Negotiate 3-Year Phased Funding Strategy Negotiate as group with SOZAWE to create flexible budgeting over next 3 years Determine welfare-to-work best practices Years of experimenting across 12 Dutch provinces What worked across all 12? How much does/should different types of cases cost?
Negotiate 3-Year Phased Funding Strategy Have multiple perspectives at the table: SOZAWE Divosa Stimulansz Set in funding based on national best practices, realistic data, and 3-year average
Understand Your Operations Hoeveel is genoeg geld? Wat is… Uitkering per persoon of zaak? Uitkering per caseload/aantal zaken? Beste groeiende industrieën in uw regio?
Establish A Career Continuum What do I mean by Career Continuum? Engage clients & public/private partners in longer-term skill development & work experience Work First: Exit upon Employment vs. Career Continuum: Investing in Career Success
Career Continuum Partners: Universiteit Bedrijven Sociale Dienst
Complete internal & external research Interview candidates with employer Have employer hire desired individuals directly part time for 1 st 3 months Reimburse employers for wages at 100%, 75%, 50% over 1 st 3 months & purchase skills training Manage relationships to achieve 6-month employment!
Lower average cost per case & caseload Establish longer-term relationships with clients and employers Engage new public & private partnerships Identify new resources to diversify Incentivize stakeholders to act & achieve Recognize success
Do clients & consultants know expectations? What happens if clients do not meet expectations? What happens if consultants do not meet expectations? What happens if clients exceed expectations? What happens if consultants exceed expectations?
Implement Financial & Non-Financial Incentives after6 months Provide financial incentive after 3 months & 6 months of employment: Client Employer Consultant Establish non-financial recognition for each exceeding
Implement Financial & Non-Financial Incentives Revise gemeente inkoopproces to grant more points for contracts to companies that have already hired from Sociale Dienst: 1-50…5% more …10% more Meer dan…15% “Trust but verify!”
Het Probleem Oplossingen Higher & Longer-Term Unemployment More Clients More Clients with Multiple Challenges & Needs High Workload for Staff Not Enough Money to Do Everything! Develop Best Practice & Flexible Funding Commission Understand your community & establish numerical expectations & goals Establish long-term skills development & employment model Reward those who help Sociale Dienst accomplish its mission
Dank u voor deze gelegenheid om te spreken met u. Ik hou van uw taal, uw land, en uw mensen. Ik geelof in u en die mooie toekomst van de Sociale Dienst. Ik hoop om terug te keren en u ziet in dat mooie toekomst.