Planning and building more resilient communities Prue Digby Deputy Secretary Planning, Building and Heritage
National Strategy for Disaster Resilience A disaster resilient community is one where Land use planning systems and building control arrangements reduce, as far as is practicable, community exposure to unreasonable risks from known hazards, and suitable arrangements are implemented to protect life and property Council of Australian Governments, February 2011
Defining Resilience “The ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist [or avoid], absorb, accommodate and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner” UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Role of planning and building BUT resilience is not just about rules The role of planning and building controls is nested in a wider web of resilience building actions Capacity to resist, absorb, accommodate and recover must involve action to support individuals and communities manage change
Role of planning and building Planning and building measures include rules to reducing sensitivity and exposure of new development to hazards...but... Planning is also about partnerships and collaborations Processes of exhibition, consultation, review and appeal provisions help support the ‘social contract’ needed to achieve community acceptance.
Land Use Planning in Context: Fire
Typical planning elements Evidence (Hazards) Risk Social dialogue Agreed measures Review Objective application of science Systematic, authoritative judgement Inc. discussing agreed limits of risk tolerance Inc. planning & building responses PS amendment, MSS review, etc PLANNING PROCESSES
Existing measures Existing planning and building measures supporting resilience State Planning Policy: ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS –Flooding –Coastal inundation and erosion (inc planning for sea level rise m urban infill to 2040 / 0.8m greenfield by 2100) –Bushfire Planning provisions including: –Flood related overlays –Bushfire Management Overlays (newly updated maps and provisions) –Bushfire protection vegetation clearing exemptions (to create a defendable area) Revised construction standards for mapped bushfire prone areas (updating the Victorian Building Code)
Location, Layout, Siting & design Avoid locations where risk cannot be reduced to an acceptable level (i.e. bushfire hazard) Where hazards are manageable design settlements and buildings to match the risk
Growth Area Planning Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines: building in resilience from the beginning Element 5, Integrated Water Management Development sensitive to flood risk is not sited on significant flood risk areas. Element 5 Fire and Bushfire Management The design response should include: A bushfire risk management plan...which sets out how these risks have been mitigated and how the Country Fire Authority has been involved. Are streets designed, located and connected to allow safe and efficient movement of emergency vehicles? Element 5: Open Space and Natural Systems How does the location and design of open space take account of climate change, particularly increased temperatures and extreme weather events?
Dealing with the legacy of past circumstances: settlements and emergency facilities
Opportunities for supporting more resilient communities Review of the Flood Warnings and Response (Govt. response & implementation – in preparation) Victoria prepared: Towards a more disaster resilient and safer Victoria. Green Paper, Sept 2011 Applying a modern 'all-hazards' emergency management system to better prepare us for the future. (White Paper – in preparation) Regional Growth Plans (2012/2013+) Metropolitan Planning Strategy (2012/2013+) Living Melbourne, Living Victoria water plan (2012+) Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2013)