JUST IN CASE…… In the past the day was referred to Come’n’ Try Sailing Day Opportunity to show the community how fantastic your sailing club was Now referred to Discover Sailing Day Supported by Yachting Victoria Produced some excellent tools to assist you in your planning of your day
HISTORY OF THE DAY AT MYC Some great days Fantastic involvement from the general public Expression of interest was taken over the phone, and people would also turn up on the day Advertisements in paper Enrolment in training courses Membership
AND SOME BAD DAYS Northerly Wind!
SO LAST YEAR… Organised early Expression of interest on MYC site from July Contact details Find area of interest Schedule First expression in August
LETS GET ORGANISED Called meetings for assistance contact to members What are we going to use? Gained expression of interest for use of boats Enabled schedule to be put into place
CONTACT MADE /phone contact made to all registered participants Created a friendship and familiarisation over the phone Enabled foresight into day Allowed for better briefing of volunteers
MEDIA Yachting Victoria were having inserts placed in local papers Leader Newspaper ran a small advert for MYC on the upcoming event and also made mention of surrounding club Information dispersed via our ‘Tuesday Tattler’ reaching MYC sponsors etc Flyers and posters distributed through local businesses and schools Flyers distributed on beach on the day
SHARING INFORMATION Heard some great ideas from networking with other clubs Let the families stop and have a look around while the kids get their face painted Face painting was a great success
WHAT DID WE DO? Provided a welcoming environment Discover Sailing experiences in: Keelboats Trailable boats Off the beach boats Opti and 420 Flying Fifteens Access dinghies
Participate in Afternoon pursuit race BBQ – Gold coin donation Club tours Comprehensive information on club and services Use of showbags
WHY DID IT WORK SO WELL? Amazing volunteers Lifejacket marshalls, participant guides, sailors, boat owners, registration crew, safety crew Positive attitude and ownership – Yacht club of the year Support from the yacht club and members Good processes
DID THE CLUB BENEFIT Database Membership Family, youth, social Course enrolments Team MYC
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Register Make use of the fantastic planning tools that are available through YV to assist you Promotional too Form a committee to help pull it all together Keep the club membership informed
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Use every opportunity to promote your event Work within your limits Have a strategy to contact interested people after the event – don’t let all your hard work go to waste Enjoy the day.