Navy’s Pathway to an Effective Maritime Unmanned Aerial Systems COMPACT, CAPABLE, EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT CAPT AL WHITTAKER Director AvnCIT 08 Oct 2013
CN Unmanned Systems Vision Statement VISION STATEMENT To fight and win at sea, Navy will achieve its maximum operational capability through a system of manned platforms and complementary unmanned vehicle systems in an integrated and networked force. Unmanned vehicle range, persistence and payload – whether above, on or under the sea – will extend the sensors, integration and networking capacity, communications, situational awareness, targeting fidelity and potentially, weapon delivery. Wherever possible the vehicles will be off-the-shelf, technically proven and minimise operational risk and cost.
Overview n Experimentation focus n Document Suite n Challenges n Way Ahead
Experimentation n Scope tasks n System compatibility n Procedure development n Investigate/Resolve issues
Document Suite n Project n Operational n Procedural n Tactical
Challenges n Meeting the NEED n Cost effective n Personnel footprint n Compact
Way Ahead n Acquisition or Lease? n Approval process n Navy of the future n Industry / Military partnerships