Islamic Education: Numbat 2013
PROPHETS Prophet Adam - We are Allah’s Khalifa on earth - We must do good and not listen to Shaytan - Learning about angels - We should not tease or be mean to others - We have to be happy for people who have things that we like (concept of envy) - Learning to say sorry when we are wrong - We should not blaming others for our mistakes. Prophet Noah - We have to follow Allah’s orders - We need to be kind and responsible towards animals - We should offer help to everyone - We need to trust in Allah Prophet Musa - How can we be more patient? - We should try and follow Allah's orders - Learning how to trust in Allah - Understanding Allah's great power and what he can do
Stories on the Prophet: *Kindness to animals (the cat and the sleeve) *Love and kindness towards children (Imam Hassan and Husain climbing his back during prayers) *Story of the palm tree *Prophet’s kindness to the old neighbour who threw rubbish on him *Story of the grape when the prophet went to Taef. *Prophet’s relationship with Allah in the cave Hira Link to Akhlaq: *teaching kindness to people and animals *being polite and respectful *being patient *telling the truth We will learn about these manners and our Islamic duties through these stories of the Prophet and his righteous companions. PROPHET MOHAMMED (S) Best of role- models
Hamza We will emphasise on Hamza’s strength and why his name was The Lion. Even though he was very powerful he never used his power for bad, but instead used it for good. Bilal We will explore the life of the first Muathen in Islam. We will reinforce manners like the patience that Bilal had and. Lady Kadijah The story of Lady Khadija will teach us many lessons. We will focus on her role as the Prophets wife and why she was called the Mother of the Orphans. We will also discuss our duties as Muslims. Companions Of The Prophet In addition to the above companions, we will also draw on stories from Ahlul bayt eg Ladt Fatima (as), Lady Zainab (as), Imam Hussain (as) etc
In the 1 st term we will focus on why we have to make wudhu. We will learn how to do wudhu and the students will perform wudhu together. We will also be focusing on the mannerism of making wudhu and praying, e.g: cleanliness, keeping quiet when others are praying, etc. In the 2 nd term we will keep reinforcing wudhu but introduce prayers. The children will learn how many times a day we pray, at what times and how many rakahs there are in each prayer. We will then move onto the actions of prayers and how to pray By term 3 children should be confident in performing wudhu and also understand the 5 prayers. Throughout the year all children will be attending prayers during school time to practice and join the congregation. WUDHU AND PRAYERS
RAMADAN Looking at all the steps of Ramadan, from sighting the moon, things we should do during Ramadan and reinforcing basic characteristics of the prophet Mohammed, eg; being patient and generous. EID HAJJ During this time the children will have the opportunity to celebrate Eid and do something fun in class to take home to their parents or siblings. Prophet Ibrahim’s story will be examined briefly in light of the steps of Hajj. During the year we will also have a Hajj day where the children will be able to simulate Hajj themself.
Learning some of Allah’s names and understanding their meaning Understanding Allah through the footprints He has left in this world; through His creations. ALLAH Reflecting on how we can recognize Allah’s attributes in our lives eg: our family, nature, the messanges, the Quran, the solar system etc.
Islamic Practices Teaching the students to always remember Allah throughout the day with Islamic practices such as: what we say before we eat, how we greet people, and how we should treat each another. We will also be learning one Du’a every term, e.g.; Du’a we say when entering the morning.