Reformation or Revisionism? The Rudd Industrial Relations Agenda Russell Lansbury Professor of Work & Organisational Studies, University of Sydney, Australia Address to the Annual Convention of the Industrial Relations Society of Western Australia, 2008
The Context of IR Reform in Australia 1 Major crises and uncertainties in the global economic and financial systems. Long-term structural changes from ‘industrial’ to ‘knowledge based’ economies in OECD countries. Significant changes in the nature of jobs available, skills required by the workforce and the contractual relationship at work.
Key Changes in Work and Worklife The nature of skills at work is undergoing continuous and rapid change. Investment in skills and knowledge is becoming more individualized and market-oriented (rather than provided solely by employers or governments). The contractual relationships between the worker, work and employer is in flux (legal, psychological, social). Working life is likely to be extended for a growing proportion of the population. 2
Changes in the Labour Market The decline of permanent and full-time forms of employment. Increased proportion of jobs which are causal, part- time and by fixed contract. Increased rates of short and long-term periods of unemployment. Increased average hours of work and very long working hours for a significant minority of both low and high paid sections of the workforce. 3
Long-term Trends in IR Systems The decline of collective approaches to the regulation of work with the demise of unions. Less emphasis on labour market institutions to regulate the workplace and resolve conflict. More reliance on individualized contractual relationships between workers, work and employers. More emphasis on individualized legal remedies rather than collectively negotiated outcomes. 4
The WorkChoices Revolution The Howard government promoted the spread of individual employment contracts (AWAs) to replace awards and collective agreements. WorkChoices was introduced in 2006 after the High Court allowed the Howard government to rely on the corporations power to directly regulate IR of constitutional corporations. But the abolition of the No Disadvantage Test for AWAs and changes to unfair dismissal laws extending to firms with 100 employees or less proved to be electorally unpopular. 5
The Rudd Government’s Revisionism? The Rudd Labor government was elected in late 2007 with an IR policy ‘Forward with Fairness’. So far it has moved cautiously on IR issues with most of its major changes scheduled for introduction in It has disallowed new AWAs from December 2007 and transferred existing AWAs to Individual Transitional Employment Agreements (ITEAs). A No Disadvantage Test was re-introduced to replace the Howard government’s Fairness Test for new agreements. 6
The New IR Institutions Fair Work Australia (FWA) will assume the responsibilities of existing institutions. The AIRC’s primary responsibility is to achieve award modernisation. The Australian Fair Pay Commission (AFPC) will continue to set minimum standards but its role will be reduced. FWA will also encompass the Workplace Authority and Ombudsman. The National Building and Construction Commission will be retained to 2010 but is under review. 7
Award Modernisation Awards will continue to be the ‘safety net’ of minimum wages and conditions for a substantial proportion of the workforce. They will also provide a baseline for collective agreements between employees, employers and unions. New ‘modern’ federal awards will replace a myriad of existing state and federal awards. The AIRC is due to complete the process of award modernisation by 1 January
Award Flexibility Clauses These can be inserted into awards to vary the application of certain terms of the award to meet ‘the genuine individual needs of the employer and the individual employee’. The terms which may be varied are: Arrangements for when the work is performed. Overtime rates. Penalty rates. Allowances. Leave loading. 9
The National Employment Standards Are intended to ‘provide employers with the flexibility and simplicity they need whilst ensuring employees’ key entitlements are protected’. Ten minimum entitlements will apply to all employees from 1 January
Unfair Dismissal Laws The details are yet to be announced. But they are likely to exempt firms with 15 or less employees (i.e. genuine small businesses). There will be a ‘fair dismissal code’ aimed at small businesses. There will be provision for conciliation hearings and decisions but without legal representation for either side. 11
Concerns about Collective Agreements CAs require a majority of employees in support – but how will this be monitored? CAs must be undertaken in good faith by both parties – but how will this be determined in the case of disputes? CAs can be concluded between the employer and employees without union involvement. Will unions be deliberately excluded? FWA can only intervene if there is industrial action causing economic or significant harm to the parties – is this too restrictive? 12
Concerns about the Role of Fair Work Australia Will this single, all-encompassing institution be unwieldy? Will it be possible for FWA to provide all of its services in a ‘one stop shop’? What can the FWA do to enforce ‘good faith bargaining’ and facilitate collective bargaining if one party will not cooperate? Will the AIRC have a meaningful role in the new system? 13
Is Harmonisation a Realistic Goal? The Howard government failed to achieve a unified IR system despite the High Court ruling enabling the Federal government to directly regulate IR in constitutional corporations. Many state Labor governments are still reluctant to cede powers to the Federal government. The most likely method is for Federal and State governments to enact identical legislation on specific issues, e.g. occupational health and safety. 14
Possible Modifications to Government Policy ‘Drop-dead’ date for old IR agreements in 2012 so that workers cannot continue to be employed under expired AWAs and other agreements. New rules to enforce bargaining in good faith by employers with unions where workers seek this – to avoid protracted ‘stand offs’ such as Telstra, Boeing and Cochlear. Arbitration to be made more readily available where there is a breakdown or intractable wage negotiations between employers and unions. Unions to be given advance warning if their members in a workplace indicate that they want to sign a non-union collective agreement. 15
Conclusions The Rudd IR ‘revolution’ is likely to be incremental and focus on the areas of least resistance. It is unlikely to relax restriction on unions’ right of entry to workplaces or unlawful industrial action. It will not reinstate to the arbitration system and will continue to use the corporations power to regulate IR. It will retain awards to set minimum standards but encourage collective bargaining (with or without unions). 16