My selected organisation My chosen area
* Karitane * Was found by Sir Truby King in 1923 * Was originally named “Australian Mothercraft Society” * The Karitane vision is “for children to be safe, healthy and nurtured by confident families and communities 1 ”. 1 Karitane
Careline It is a 7 day per week service where experienced nurses are available for consultation on issues that applies to infants and children up to 5 years of age. Phone:
Education and research Karitane provides parenting education programs at convenient times for the parents Phone: (02)
Jade House IIs a specialised day stay where women who are suffering anxiety disorders and are pregnant or have children up to 12 months of age may seek counselling and treatment from specialists SServices include: DDay stay program – an educational program aimed to support parents to care for their babies through targeting mothercraft issues. AAnxiety management group – a 10 week program designed to target anxiety issues at women’s perinatal period. AAddress and contact – CCorner of The Horsely Dr & Mitchell St, Carramar NSW 2163 PPh(02) FFax(02) 9794
It is a convenient, private, fee-based home service. Targets at families with children 0-5 years of age who require advice and guidance on parenting issues such as sleeping and settling, breastfeeding and managing toddler behaviour.
Liverpool Family Care Centre Caters for children up to five years of age. Provides a variety of programs to assist parents in their role, such as individual counselling and breastfeeding clinics. Address and contact - 10 Murphy Avenue Liverpool NSW 2170 Ph(02) Fax(02)
Randwick Family Care Centre It is a center based secondary day stay where families with children 0-5 years of age experiencing parenting problems may seek help and advice. Services include: Toddler management and Education – targets common parenting problems such as tantrum Postnatal Depression and Anxiety Therapeutic Groups – conducted by a psychologist who offers counselling to mothers
Residential Care Unit It is a tertiary level public hospital that provides care and guidance on the basis of referral from professionals. Babies and children are admitted to the unit as patients. The mothers and their partner are welcome to stay with the child but a fee will apply. Parents have access to professionals such as paediatricians and registered nurses within the unit.
Other services available include: FFunctions and Conferences – Karitane Conference and Function Centre caters for the public and provides a large capacity of open space, advanced audio and visual equipment and wheelchair accessibility. It provides meals with an application of fees.
*T*T he target group that Karitane caters for are families with children 0-5 years of age. *T*T heir aim is to provide support and assistance to families with children aged 0-5. *T*T he Karitane vision “is for children to be safe, healthy and nurtured by confident families and communities 2 ”. 2 Karitane 11/03/2011
Karitane may be accessed by parents with children aged 0-5 via the following ways: Website ~ which requires a web connection on a computer in order to access Contact details ~ phone – (02) ~ fax – (02) ~ mail - PO Box 241 Villawood NSW 2163 ~”. This information is available on the Karitane website in the link labelled ‘Our Organisation’ and is able to be found on the Karitane information brochures. Other contact details for its variety of services such as the Karitane Careline, Residential Family Care Unit, and Liverpool Family Care Centre, are available on the Karitane website. Many contact details have been provided in the previous slides.
Most services like Breastfeeding Clinic and Understanding Your Toddler are accessed by self- referral. Other services like Residential Care Unit requires referral from a health professional such as the family GP or family health nurse
What is the cost of the services? SServices like Residential Unit apply a cost for the child in care through either Medicare or Private Health Fund. A boarding fee applies to the parent at $41.00/day, which includes accommodation and meals. PPrograms like Women as Mothers Group (WAM) costs $25 for five weeks; the Parent Infant Massage Group costs $25 for four weeks
OUR SPONSORS KKaritane is mainly funded by NSW Health IIt also receives funding from the Department of Community Services, corporate, support and donations. Golden Circle Liverpool Catholic Club McDonalds Curash -Other sponsors include: -ADM -AMP -Building Technology Integrators -Fowler Homes -Gaia -Hewlett Packard JDC Flooring -Johnson Baby -Kane Construction -McArdle Legal -Medela -Mounties -NRMA -Rotary International -Pampers -Yates Wood Productions
For additional information on the services and support of Karitane please refer to the brochure and pamphlet provided along with this presentation.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Google images – - for all photos and images utilised in this presentation Karitane for their assistance in providing the information used in this presentation Connecting Carers NSW for providing extended knowledge on this subject Thank you for viewing this presentation