Exercise: Spring Is the Perfect Time to Start a Regular Routine Provided Courtesy of RD411.com Where health care professionals go for information G-1321Contributed by Emily Workman, RD Review Date 4/10
Its Time to SPRING Into Action!
Springtime is the perfect time to start an exercise routine! –The weather is warming up, but its not too hot yet!
The Benefits of Exercise Regular exercise can: – Lower blood pressure – Decrease heart disease risks – Improve energy and mood – Help with digestion – Improve blood sugar control – Control weight – Strengthen muscles and bones – Lower stress – Help you sleep better
Overcoming Challenges Start slowly Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program Always stretch before and after exercise Make realistic goals Make your goals reachable and doable Build from these goals Schedule exercise as you would other appointments Make exercise a priorityyou are the priority in your life Remember that making small changes now can increase both the quantity and quality of your life
Overcoming Challenges Exercise with someone Ask a friend or family member to help you exercise or have someone exercise with you Seek encouragement to keep yourself motivated and on track Have more fun by exercising with someone Include a variety of activities Choose different things to do to keep from getting bored with the same routine Consider walking, bicycling, dancing, water aerobics, using exercise videos, doing yard work, stretching, trying chair exercises
What Works for You? Choose an activity that works for you An activity that you enjoy An activity that your body can handle physically
Exercise Ideas Walking around your house, your neighborhood, or the mall Stretching, tai chi, or yoga Working around the housegardening, vacuuming, washing the car by hand, etc Joining in an exercise classwater aerobics, yoga, dance aerobics, etc Participating in a sporttennis, golf, bowling, swimming, bicycling, dancing, etc Doing chair exercises
Experts Recommend 30 minutes of activity every day Remember: Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program Gradually build up to 30 minutes/day to keep from getting injured, too tired, or overwhelmed Split up your activity during the day For example, exercise for 15 minutes when you wake up and 15 minutes before you go to bed
Exercise and Diabetes If you have diabetes, it is important to exercise safely: Check your blood sugar before and after exercise Carry a convenient source of carbohydrate with you Wear diabetes identification Stop exercising if you are lightheaded, feel dizzy, have pain, or experience shortness of breath Wear proper shoes Drink plenty of fluids Avoid exercising in extreme weather conditions