Our life, His Home By Auntie Sharon
Animal Homes Where does a dog live?
Animal Homes Where does a deer live?
Animal Homes Where do seahorses live?
Animal Homes Where does a cow live?
Animal Homes Where do bees live?
Everything that is living needs a home. An animal is a living thing. Animals grow. They start out as babies and grow into adult animals. They need water, sunlight, food and air to live and grow properly. For an animal to grow like it is supposed to it needs to live where it can get what it needs. Everything that is living needs a home. An animal is a living thing. Animals grow. They start out as babies and grow into adult animals. They need water, sunlight, food and air to live and grow properly. For an animal to grow like it is supposed to it needs to live where it can get what it needs.
Welcome or Not
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (Contemporary English Version) 19- You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. 19- You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. 20- God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honour God. 20- God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honour God.
His Home in Us
God the Father God the Son Jesus God the Spirit Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit lives in you and will be with you. In our verse today, it says that our body is His temple, or His home. If we have asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins or the bad things we do, and we turn from those things to follow Jesus, then we have the Holy Spirit living with us! The Holy Spirit lives in you and will be with you. In our verse today, it says that our body is His temple, or His home. If we have asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins or the bad things we do, and we turn from those things to follow Jesus, then we have the Holy Spirit living with us! How does that make you feel? How does that make you feel? His Home in Us
If the Holy Spirit lives in us, what kind of home would He want to have? Would He want a home full of rubbish, like you saw when you walked into today? If the Holy Spirit lives in us, what kind of home would He want to have? Would He want a home full of rubbish, like you saw when you walked into today?
In Ephesians 4:30, In Ephesians 4:30, Dont give Gods Holy Spirit any reason to be upset with you. He has put his seal on you for the day you will be set free from the world of sin. Dont give Gods Holy Spirit any reason to be upset with you. He has put his seal on you for the day you will be set free from the world of sin.
Its actually says that we can grieve the Holy Spirit. That means that we can make Him sad with our poor choices in life. Its actually says that we can grieve the Holy Spirit. That means that we can make Him sad with our poor choices in life. Just like we upset our parents when we dont care for our rooms. Or when we make poor choices to do wrong.
So, how should we take care of the home that the Holy Spirit lives in? So, how should we take care of the home that the Holy Spirit lives in?
The Homeowners Manual
If you choose to live in a certain apartment, you choose to live by the rules of the landlord (the person who owns the building or room.) Some of the rules might include: paying your rent on time, cleaning up your house on a regular basis, leaving the toilet there when you decide to move (I once heard a story of someone taking the toilet with them!), and maybe no pet dogs or gorillas. If you choose to live in a certain apartment, you choose to live by the rules of the landlord (the person who owns the building or room.) Some of the rules might include: paying your rent on time, cleaning up your house on a regular basis, leaving the toilet there when you decide to move (I once heard a story of someone taking the toilet with them!), and maybe no pet dogs or gorillas.
If the Holy Spirit were writing rules for your home, what rules would He have? If the Holy Spirit were writing rules for your home, what rules would He have? Heres a clue. In Luke 10:27, Jesus says, Heres a clue. In Luke 10:27, Jesus says, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself.
If you were to do that… what would it look like? If you were to do that… what would it look like? How would you take care of your mind? How would you take care of your mind? Your body? Your body? Your heart? Your heart? Your neighbour? Your neighbour?
How would the Holy Spirit want you to take care of this home of His? What would He want you to do? What would He want you to stay away from? How would the Holy Spirit want you to take care of this home of His? What would He want you to do? What would He want you to stay away from?
MIND: 1. Protect your mind from sin. Be careful what you watch on TV or the Internet. Also types of computer games you play. 2. Listen to music with good lyrics. Read books that would honour Him. 3. Surround yourselves with good friends; people who will encourage you to do the right thing. 4. Study Gods Word. 4. Study Gods Word.
BODY: 1. Exercise. 2. Eat a balanced diet of foods. 3. Get your sleep. 4. And a shower every once in a while!
1. Ask for forgiveness of your sins. 2. Hide Gods word in your heart. 3. Be completely humble and gentle. 4. Be thankful. HEART: 1. Ask for forgiveness of your sins. 2. Hide Gods word in your heart. 3. Be completely humble and gentle. 4. Be thankful.
: 1. Think first about God, then others. 2. Love is patient, love is kind… 3. Live peaceably with all. Neighbours: 1. Think first about God, then others. 2. Love is patient, love is kind… 3. Live peaceably with all. (Dont start fights!) 4. Forgive people when they have wronged you.
Weve learned today that the Holy Spirit lives in each one of us, if we have Jesus as our Saviour. Our lives are His home. Weve learned today that the Holy Spirit lives in each one of us, if we have Jesus as our Saviour. Our lives are His home. Since God made each of us uniquely, all of our homes will look different. His home for you will look like you!
It is the Holy Spirit role or job to build the Church of God. He helps the missionaries to tell the story of Jesus. And He puts faith in hearts of those who are to be Gods children.
So you maybe small and weak! Just remember Samuel was probably the ages of some of you children here. But when he heard the voice of God speaking to him his responds was Speak Lord you servant is listening!