“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” How to Achieve OP Success Innovation Hall Tuesday 11 Feb 2014
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Acknowledgement to Country We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Purpose of Tonight 1.Clarify what is an OP/QCE 2.Review local landscape Modern post school pathways School statistics 3.What OP can I expect? Case Studies 4.Is the OP right for me?
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Our Success 82% of OP students achieved an OP 1-15 100% received an offer from QTAC (40 students – 39 Semester 1 & 1 Semester 2) 99% of students achieved their QCE 99% of students achieved at least one VET qualification, with most Cert II or better. % Achievement greater than State & Regional averages.
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Local Trends
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment”
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” CHART 11 SUNSHINE COAST REGION EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY, AND BASE CASE
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment”
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Individual Pathways “with purpose and spirit” Employment
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” School Data Note: 50% of students are OP eligible
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” What is an OP An OP is a student’s position in a statewide rank order based on their overall achievement in QSA- approved subjects. It indicates how well a student has done in comparison to all other OP-eligible students in Queensland and is used for tertiary entrance purposes only. Students are placed in one of 25 OP bands from OP1 (highest) to OP25 (lowest).
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” How is an OP Calculated The OP score is a calculation that is based on: – The student result in their best 5 authority subjects – The individual QCS Test score – The QCS Test Average score for the cohort completing that subject
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” The QCE is Queensland's senior school qualification, which is awarded to eligible students usually at the end of Year 12. Requirements: 1.Complete 3 subjects through year 11 and 12 2.Pass at least 1 semester of English 3.Pass at least 1 semester of Maths 4.Accrue 20 points worth of subject passes What is a QCE
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” What is a Selection Rank Selection ranks for OP-ineligible students are calculated by QSA and QTAC in consultation with tertiary institutions. Selection ranks are made up from your results in a mixture of Authority subjects, and/or Authority-registered subjects, and/or vocational education units of competency/modules undertaken in Years 11 and 12. The maximum selection rank you can get is around 90 (equivalent to an OP 6). In 2013 a certificate III in Allied Health/Fitness equated to an OP 16.
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” KAWANA WATERS STATE COLLEGE SEMESTER SUBJECT RANK ORDER- FACULTY: TechnologySUBJECT:TEACHER: YEAR: 2013SEMESTER TERM3 or VerificationNo. students: KEY OP Eligible: Times New Roman (initial + surname) Op Ineligible: Italics (initial + surname) Sample students: Bold + A, B, C, D & E VHAVHA HAHA SASA LALA VLAVLA Not rated studentsReason
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 1 QCS Grade - A
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 3 QCS Grade – A
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 5 QCS Grade - B
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 6 QCS Grade - A
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 10 QCS Grade - C
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 12 QCS Grade - D
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 16 QCS Grade - D
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 19 QCS Grade - D
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” OP 24 QCS Grade - D
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Is the OP right for me? 1.All situations are unique. The pressures and stresses on individuals students are different. 2.School will be counselling students who are at risk of not getting their QCE over the full 2 years of senior schooling.
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” QTAC Process Qld Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) Choose courses either at TAFE or Universities in QLD Select preferences Discuss with mentor and/ or Guidance Officer to ensure success GO can assist in applying for courses in other states as well.
“with purpose and spirit” Statistically Speaking “respect excellence diversity enjoyment” Questions