OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology Emergency Information Staff Student Visitor
NEED TO KNOW If you are new or returning to the University, Faculty or building there are emergencies that happen … We need to know what to do.
SCOPE This covers: 1.Types of emergencies: evacuation, fire, medical, First Aid, security 2.Persons with disabilities 3.Contact people and numbers Emergency Services Campus security Police Poisons info Medical centre
ALERT SIGNAL Sounds “BEEP-BEEP”: 1.Prepare to leave: Gather small, valuable, personal belongings only Switch off computers & electrical appliances Do not lock office or internal doors 2.Await further instructions or evacuation signal Double click to play
EVACUATION SIGNAL Sounds “WHOOP-WHOOP”: 1.Evacuate via safest route outside, then to delegated Assembly Area. 2.Exit routes are marked with “EXIT” green signs 3.Do not run. Do not use lifts. 4.Mobility impaired persons should report to a fire warden. 5.Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by Wardens. 6.Check all are present. Double click to play
Persons with Disabilities Disability Services are available to students and staff with disabilities. A Disability Advisor may be consulted to develop a Personal Evacuation Plan (PEP) for the building. Contact Health, Counselling and Disability Services for access to University support and services. Phone: | TTY: |
MEDICAL EMERGENCY/ FIRST AID 1.Phone Emergency Services operator 0,000 University desk phone or mobile phones; 000, or Ask for “Ambulance, I am in Adelaide, South Australia” 3.Give more Exact Location Number of people Type of emergency – main symptoms e.g. unconscious, stopped breathing, cut & bleeding, fainted 4.University Security Contact a First Aid trained person 6.Fetch a First Aid kit 7.Post “Look-Outs” for directing the ambulance D anger R esponse A irway B reathing C irculation Pressure, Immobilisation, Elevation
PHONE NUMBERS Emergency Services Police Ambulance Fire Fire Department (St Mary’s) Poisons Information Service Flinders Campus Security12880
FIRE If you discover a fire: Sound the alarm; notify others Safely leave the building: close doors and windows (don’t lock) Initiate Evacuation procedures
SUMMARY 1.Types of emergencies: fire, evacuation, medical, First Aid, security 2.Contact people and numbers Emergency Services or 112 mobile Campus security Police