Outsider Witness Responses
2 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
A structured process of multi-layered tellings and retellings 3 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
Part 1. The telling by the person or persons at the centre of the ceremony Part 2. The re-telling the outsider witnesses respond to the telling 4 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
Part 3. The retelling of the retelling the person or people at the centre respond to outsider witnesses Part 4. More retelling can be responses from the outsider, another group or others in the audience 5 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
As you listened to _____________ (use person’s name, or story, or video/film etc) what did you hear that stood out for you, or that struck a chord or that you were drawn to? 6 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
2. What did the story suggest to you about what might be important values, or beliefs, or hopes to _________________________? (Use their name or the characters/authors etc). What image did this evoke for you? 7 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
3. You have spoken about what stood out for you in hearing______________’s story. What is it about your own life/work that explains why these images caught your attention? 8 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014
4. Where do you think this conversation has taken you? What place might you be in right now that you were not in at the beginning of the conversation? 9 Deidre Ikin Definitional Ceremony 2014