DHAKA RICH REGIONS Gulshan thana is upper class suburb Includes main modern entertainment.eg. Shopping malls, restaurants, theatres, markets and bars. Located on Buriganga river and has nice housing. Banks of the Buriganga river, showing across the river Gulshan Thana Centre of Gulshan Thana, wealthy apartments.
Dhaka poor regions Dhaka slums is home to 4 million Korail Bosti largest slum in Dhaka is home to 120,000 1/3 of Dhaka live in unstable houses
Korail bosti rail way Tahara, Dhaka slum. Houses are made from bamboo stilts Fire in a Dhaka slum left 450 homeless After bulldozers destroyed houses in Korail Bosti
Korail Bosti Gulshan Thana
WASTE OF DHAKA Dhaka Waste Each day the city generates 3500 tonnes 15% of the cities waste goes to make organic fertiliser. Creating organic waste gives jobs to people.
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