Enhancing your presentation with images A short tutorial by Mrs. Borges
A picture is worth a thousand words A small brown reptile with a mouth like a turtle.
3 rules when selecting images 1. Relative to your topic 2. Clear and easy to see 3. Visually appealing
Images are available in a variety of formats, but 2 of the most widely used ones are Gifs and Jpegs Gif Jpeg
o Simple images with large patches of color o Easy to manipulate colors and see from a distance o Cartoon-like images Example of.gif Gifs (Graphical Interface Images)
Jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) o High quality images o Appear photographic o Larger in size than gifs o Need special software to alter Example of.jpeg
Copying from the net You dont have to create every image on your own. There are millions of images on the WWW and most are free for the taking. Make sure you give credit for any images you copy. Courtesy of NASA
Ways to locate free clips
Scanning Scanners are a great way to input images that you cant find on the net. How about a photo of a friend, baby picture, or piece of artwork you drew.
Digital cameras Digital cameras are another way to incorporate original images in your presentation.
Print screen
Closing Comments o Make sure to balance the amount of information on a page o Choose colors that compliment one another o Dont overwhelm your audience with too many images o Always ask for permission to use an image that you didnt create