The Champion who became a Clown: Samson’s Story (the wages of sin is death) STMARYCOMPUTERCENTER, EASTBRUNSWICK, NJ, Sunday School Computer Program© 2006
Samson’s birth There was a man called Manoah, his wife was barren. The angel of the Lord appeared to this woman and said to her: You will conceive and bear a son. Take no wine or strong drink and eat nothing unclean. No Razor is to touch your son’s head. Your son will rescue Israel from the Philistines.
Samson’s birth The angel of the Lord appeared again to Manoah and his wife and told Manoah: Your son should follow the orders I gave your wife. Offer a sacrifice to the Lord. The woman gave birth to a son and she called him Samson, the Lord blessed him. Samson was a judge in Israel for 20 years.
Samson’s Life Samson grew and became a very very strong man. He saw a lion coming toward him. Samson tore the lion in pieces without any weapons. Later on, Samson found a swarm of bees in the lion’s body and honey. He ate some of that honey. Samson gave his parents some honey to eat. He did not tell them where he got the honey from.
Samson’s Life Samson killed one thousand Philistines men using the jawbone of a donkey. Samson carried the doors of the town “Gaza”. He tore them up, carrying them on his shoulders to the top of the hill and there he left them.
Samson And Delilah He married a Philistine girl against his parents’ wish. The Philistines promised Delilah eleven hundred pieces of silver if she finds out Samson’s strength. Samson told Delilah the following: The first time: “If I were bound with seven new bowstrings, I should lose my power”. It was not true. The second time: “If I were bound with new ropes that were never used, I should lose my power”. It was not true. The third time: “If you weave the seven blocks of my hair into a web firmly, I should lose my power”. It was not true. Delilah never give up and kept asking him every day. FINALLY, Samson told her the secret of his power.
Samson And Delilah Delilah asked a man to shave off Samson’s hair, he lost his strength, the Lord‘s spirit departed from him. The Philistine took out his eyes and he became a slave in a prison. Three thousand Philistines men and women got together to offer sacrifice into Dagon their god who delivered them form the hand of their enemy Samson.
Samson And Delilah The Philistines called Samson to play sports and to entertain them. Samson called upon the name of the Lord saying: Remember me and strengthen me, I pray to you O Lord. Samson hold the two pillars upon which the house stood and brought them together and said let me die with the Philistines. The house fell upon the people and every one died. Samson’s family came and took Samson and buried him.
Lessons Learnt Do not hang out with the wrong people. Be careful who are your friends. Not everyone is a good faithful friend Obey your parents and trust them. Stay away and do not mix with wicked friends, neighbors and co-workers. Obey the Lord and be faithful to Him, do not tell your secrets to anybody.
Comparison Between Samson and Joseph The Champion who became a Clown The Slave who gained the Throne His birth divinely announced. The angelic announcement included 2 statements: The boy shall be a nazirite to god. To deliver israel from the philistines His birth was not divinely announced He became friendly with the enemies. He did not obey his parents, forgot bout his vow. He cracked jokes with the enemy. He married a Philistine girl against his parents’ wish. His wife pressed him daily to know his secret. Day after day she persisted with her questions. She was worse than the lion. God’s patience has reached its limit. Sampson played with fire. The Lord departed from him. His strength was gone. He became eyeless. The name of God was dishonored. The name of Dagon was praised. Samson did not escape for his life. He was working with pagan people. The sin came to him, his master’s wife asked him to sin with her.He did not obey her, remembered God. “How can I sin before the Lord, I have to be faithful to your husband”. He resisted her (the sin) and left the house. He was saved. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man. Joseph escaped for his life.
What did we learn from this lesson? How can we apply this lesson to our daily life? How do you deal with friends from school: Peer Pressure What do you feel about TV Shows, magazines, internet, life style, drinking, smoking, and clothes. Are you committed to church and Sunday School? And Why