1 John Unkovich Principal Legal Policy Adviser Consumer Affairs Victoria Building relationships between philanthropy and Government – the Victorian Office for the Community Sector Philanthropy Australia Melbourne Seminar: ‘Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Philanthropy’ Lynne Wannan AM Director, Office for the Community Sector 22 September 2011
2 Victoria’s Office for the Community Sector: Supporting the not-for-profit sector More than 120,000 NFP sector organisations operate in Victoria, including sports, arts, welfare groups, community service providers and more Over 37,000 are incorporated associations The NFP industry value was one and a half times that of the agricultural sector ( ) 80% of Australia’s philanthropic trusts are in Victoria More than 40% of Victorians volunteer in NFP organisations
3 What is the Office for the Community Sector (OCS)? Established to support the long term sustainability of the NFP sector the OCS has two key goals: Reduce the burden of red tape Build sector capability
4 Reducing the burden of red tape A number of initiatives aim to cut red tape including: Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) – mandatory for Victorian government departments Common Funding Agreement (CFA) – for use by all Victorian government departments by end Dec 2012 NFP Compliance Portal - easy access to all Commonwealth, State and local government compliance information via the on line portal Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (AIA) reforms underway and promoted
5 Building sector capability – making the most of all available resources Increasing the use of web based tools Building workforce capability – getting the right skill mix Enhancing governance Supporting volunteering Supporting engagement between NFPs and Local Government Supporting relationships between NFPs and the corporate sector Supporting access to social finance such as capital loans
6 The OCS Engaging with the NFP sector OCS Reference Groups Working Groups Surveys Summit Development of tools and resources Development of tools and resources Grants Pilots/Trials Communications Tools Communications Tools Building on what’s been done and showcasing the good practice of the sector Building on what’s been done and showcasing the good practice of the sector
7 Working across government – reforming the way government relates to the NFP sector Minister to Minister Secretary to Secretary Participation with other Whole of Government projects Build on activity already underway in government departments Broker relationships with the sector Communication: E-Bulletin, OCS website, events Establishing the structures IDCs IDCs & sector working groups IDCs & sector working groups Information sessions Information sessions
8 Philanthropy – Victoria a long and proud history The Victorian Government recognises the importance of philanthropy and the extent of its support to the NFP sector in Victoria including: Giving an estimated $11Billion annually in Australia ( ) Providing mentoring, leadership and skills development Facilitating project development and implementation Supporting innovation, experimentation, research as well as ongoing charitable and community activity
9 Government and the NFP sector – this sector is critically important to Victorians Delivers $2.2 billion dollars of government funded services delivered in Victoria Australia wide 62% of Australia’s community sector is government funded $759 million in tax concessions provided to the Victorian NFP sector in 2009/10 And much more such as for sport : 94 major organisations funded to increase volunteer and community involvement $835,000 to build governance and business skills in sports associations
10 Changing environment in Victoria The expected growth in Victoria’s population over the coming years combined with the ageing of the population and increasing incidence of issues such as those related to mental health will place pressure on Victoria’s NFP organisations. There is a need to support this sector as a whole so that Victoria continues to have strong and responsive community organisations
11 Philanthropy and Government in Victoria Philanthropy and government each with its own priorities and ways of working but often intersecting and potentially able to leverage each other. Both support organisations delivering services and supports to the Victorian people and communities – sometimes the same, sometimes knowingly together, sometimes not The OCS has been facilitating the consideration of a collaborative approach to responding to shared interests; an approach that worked well during the 2009 bushfires Through a Philanthropy and Government Working Group thinking is underway – how to build better understanding of how each works, opportunities and ways to work together on shared issues and interests….
12 Collaborating to strengthen contributions Engaging with the diversity of philanthropy – a diversity of histories, interests, ways of working, governance structures and relationships Sharing information and ideas on government work – what are the priorities, how are they developed and what is it that government can and cannot do The working group is developing guiding principles for collaborative relationships for those that wish to go down this pathway
13 Guiding Principles for Building Collaborative Relationships between Philanthropy and Government Really a common sense way to engage with others: Understand each other – roles, policies, priorities and limitations Engage early to get buy in for the project Clarify expectations of what each will contribute Allow time for relationship/trust building Agree to project processes Ensure the right people are at the table Develop an evaluation framework Agree to an exit strategy Communicate – frankly, openly throughout Develop an MOU that encompasses the above
14 Where to next The OCS and those involved in the government and philanthropy working party are keen to hear what others think can be done to progress a meaningful relationship. The group will continue to: Develop the guiding principles for government or philanthropy to use when working together collaboratively Promote good ideas and approaches Look for other opportunities to work well together
15 Some examples of collaborations that have worked and will be referenced in the guide: Strengthening Social Cohesion in Hume City - Supporting Parents Developing Children Project Loddon Mallee government and philanthropic partnership – Robinvale, Building the capacity of indigenous organisations Children’s Protection Society - Child and Family Centre White Lion - Youth mentoring
16 More opportunities to build collaboration between government and philanthropy The OCS will continue to provide Ministerial briefings and the annual Treasurer’s briefing Briefings from philanthropy And We are keen to hear about ideas that can help us all support Victoria’s valuable not-for-profit sector