Learning as a Driver for Change Evaluation Workshop Dr Leone Wheeler
‘To transform political and theoretical discourses into concrete strategies and approaches; To measure progress over time; and To evaluate the benefits of the strategies it has put into place.’ – (UNESCO, 2014, p. 27) Why monitor progress on learning city/community developments?
Source: UNESCO. (2014, p30). Conference Report: International Conference on Learning Cities: Lifelong Learning for All: Inclusion, prosperity and sustainability in cities. Beijing, China.
Learning as a Driver for Change (Wheeler, Wong, Farrell & Wong, 2013) and Learning as a Driver for Change: Learning Community Framework (Wheeler & Wong, 2013) Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government, University of Technology, Sydney. ommunity-learning-and-local- government Learning as a Driver for Change
Gwydir Shire, New South Wales, Australia
At any age you can go to the careers teachers and ask advice about a pathway and it might be a pathway that you have not even thought about – Learner
Hume City, Victoria, Australia
The buildings are important. They are learning hubs and people come in to learn different things – to meet and talk and read. They will evolve over time. The way they are now will not be the way they are in five years’ time (HGLV Committee).
City of Melton, Victoria, Australia
Partnership Strength RelationshipLine Strength Numeric Value No RelationshipNo Line0 Communication1 Some Collaboration 2 Active Collaboration 3 Partnership Strength 2006= 45 Partnership Strength 2010= 64 Partnership Strength 2014= ???
EstablishmentConsolidationEnhancement Establish partnerships Identify vision and goals Strategy and action plans Governance Engagement/ participation activities Monitoring and evaluation Evaluate and extend partnerships Reflect on vision and goals Strategy and action plans Governance Engagement/ participation activities Monitoring and evaluation Evaluate and extend partnerships Reflect on vision and goals Strategy and action plans Governance Engagement/ participation activities Monitoring and evaluation Implement plans Evaluate Refine Plans Expand learning community, or Merge into another framework, or Exit ACTION LEARNING/ACTION RESEARCH CYCLE – BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASE Adapted from Wheeler, 2004
Life Cycle of Innovation for Learning Communities Establishment Phase Governance and Structure INNOVATION GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE 0%100% Consolidation Phase Governance and Structure INNOVATION GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE 0%100% Enhancement / Sustainability Phase Governance and Structure INNOVATION GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE 0%100% (Adapted from Wheeler 2004) RMIT University©2010 Northern Partnerships Unit 12
Flow Chart for using the Australian Learning Community Framework Establish the Life Cycle (Establishment, Consolidation, Enhancement) Establish the Life Cycle (Establishment, Consolidation, Enhancement) Plan by using the ten reflective questions as a guide Rearrange according to checklist categories Develop/update Community Learning Strategy, including Evaluation Building a localized knowledge base using an action research approach
Key elements of a learning community approach FUNDAMENTAL CONDITIONS – Long-term vision – Leadership – Strategic partnerships – Integrated community governance – Community capacity – Connecting social/learning/technological infrastructure
Learning City A Learning City is a city which effectively mobilises its resources in every sector to – Promote inclusive learning from basic to higher education; – Re-vitalise learning in families and communities; – Facilitate learning for and in the workplace; – Extend the use of modern learning technologies; – Enhance quality and excellence in learning; and foster a culture of learning thoughout life…. In doing so it will create and reinforce individual empowerment and social cohesion, economic and cultural prosperity, and sustainable development. » UNESCO (2014)
International Developments in Learning Cities Launch of the UNESCO International Platform for Learning Cities (2013) and Global Cities Network PASCAL International Exchanges – EU Centre/PASCAL Cities Learning Together conference in Hong Kong (November, 2013) – conference-2013/ conference-2013/ Development of PASCAL EcCoWell concept