Griffith Health Medicine at Griffith Maxine Hughes Medical Selections Officer
B Medical Science (MBBS Provisional Entry for School Leavers) Griffith Health QTAC Code (Gold Coast) (Nathan) Program duration6 semesters over two years (intensive) Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) Cut off *OP 1 Pre-requisitesEnglish (4SA) and Mathematics B (4 SA) Recommended: At least one of Biological Science, Chemistry or Physics Mid-Year intakeNot offered * Anticipated cut off UAC Code (Gold Coast) Program Duration2 years full-time (intensive) University Admissions Centre NSW (UAC) Cut off*ATAR: Pre-requisites English Mathematics Recommended - At least one of: Biological Science, Chemistry or Physics Mid-Year Intakenot offered The admissions criteria for the Bachelor of Medical Science has changed significantly for those applying for 2011 entry.
Griffith Health Bachelor of Medical Science Major changes for 2011 commencements UMAT requirement has been removed Selection will be on academic achievement only. The Interview will be replaced with the “Human Skills for Medicine” course Innovative changes make for new beginnings for Medicine at Griffith
Griffith Health Bachelor of Medical Science (MBBS Provisional Entry for School Leavers) Human Skills for Medicine »Taken in semester 2 of the final year. »The subject has been designed to specifically assess the qualities and skills necessary for the safe and effective practice of medicine. Topics will include: Emotional awareness Interpersonal communication Ethics and Professionalism Cultural awareness and sensitivity »Human Skills for Medicine has been nominated as a “Designated Course” – this means that should the student fail the course, they will not be able to complete the degree or gain entry to the MBBS. At the discretion of the Dean, students may be given the opportunity to take the subject again the following year.
Griffith Health Bachelor of Medical Science (MBBS Provisional Entry for School Leavers) Seamless entry to the MBBS »Completion of the Bachelor of Medical Science program with a GPA of at least 5.0 and a minimum grade of Pass in “Human Skills for Medicine” will see students gain seamless entry into 1272: Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery (no need to sit GAMSAT). »The type of place in the MBBS program offered to Bachelor of Medical Science graduates who meet the minimum requirements will be allocated according to GPA achieved in the B Med Sci, taking into account individual preferences. »All of the places on offer at the Griffith University School of Medicine are Commonwealth Supported Places. HOWEVER in accordance with legislative requirements – 25% of the 150 places on offer are offered with a Bonded ‘return of service’ requirement attached to them
Getting more information Pathways to Medicine Information Evening » »Monday 17 May 6 – 8pm Lecture Theatre 1.08, Clinical Sciences 2 (G16), Gold Coast campus School leaver / undergraduate entry session session 6 – 7pm »Wednesday 19 May 5 – 8pm Eco Centre (N68), Nathan campus School leaver / undergraduate entry session 5 – 6pm Open Day » »Sunday 8 August 9am – 2pm Medicine information available at Gold Coast and Nathan campuses Griffith Health
Contacts Ms Leigh Owen School Executive Officer School of Biomolecular & Physical Sciences Nathan Campus (07) Ms Sassy Braisby School Administrative Officer School of Medical Science Gold Coast Campus (07) Ms Kay Bills School Administrative Officer School of Medicine Gold Coast Campus (07) Ms Maxine Hughes Medical Selections Officer School of Medical Science Gold Coast Campus (07)
Selection for Oral Health Programs NEW UPDATE CHANGES TO ADMISSION CRITERIA Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science Bachelor of Oral Health in Oral Health Therapy Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Technology Admissions Prerequisites for the above degrees are: English (4SA), plus one of Biological Science, Chemistry, Physics, or Maths B (4SA)