Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia Data
Measurements Process Indicators should be linked to Outcome Indicators PROCESS - HH Compliance rates OUTCOME - Staph. aureus bacteraemia rates
The key aims of the NHHI Achieve sustained improvements in HH compliance rates Accurately measure rates of staphylococcal disease –a key outcome measure of the program Reduce the rates of HCAIs Develop an effective education and credentialing system to improve knowledge about HH and infection control Make HH and infection prevention ‘core business’ for all healthcare institutions and the wider Australian community
Staph. aureus CSI !! SAB healthcare associated or community associated
SAB MSSA/MRSA <48 hrs>48 hrs
SAB MSSA/MRSA >48 hrs Healthcare associated SAB
SAB is a complication of the presence of an indwelling medical device (e.g. Intravascular line, haemodialysis vascular access, CSF shunt, urinary catheter SAB occurs within 30 days of a surgical procedure where the SAB is related to the surgical site SAB was diagnosed within 48 hours of a related invasive instrumentation or incision SAB is associated with neutropenia (Neutrophils: <1 x 10 9 /L) contributed to by cytotoxic therapy
SAB is a complication of the presence of an indwelling medical device (e.g. Intravascular line, haemodialysis vascular access, CSF shunt, urinary catheter SAB occurs within 30 days of a surgical procedure where the SAB is related to the surgical site SAB was diagnosed within 48 hours of a related invasive instrumentation or incision SAB is associated with neutropenia (Neutrophils: <1 x 10 9 /L) contributed to by cytotoxic therapy SAB MSSA/MRSA <48 hrs Healthcare associated SAB X
SAB MSSA/MRSA <48 hrs Noninpatient Healthcare-associated SAB Healthcare-associatedSAB SAB is a complication of the presence of an indwelling medical device (e.g. Intravascular line, haemodialysis vascular access, CSF shunt, urinary catheter SAB occurs within 30 days of a surgical procedure where the SAB is related to the surgical site SAB was diagnosed within 48 hours of a related invasive instrumentation or incision SAB is associated with neutropenia (Neutrophils: <1 x 10 9 /L) contributed to by cytotoxic therapy Community associated SAB
SAB MSSA/MRSA <48 hrs Since admission >48 hrs since admission <48 hrs after discharge Yes to one or more criteria - Healthcare associated SAB Healthcare associated SAB Total Healthcare associated SAB No to all criteria - Community Associated SAB
Basically….. A patient episode of SAB will be categorised as healthcare-associated if First SAB blood culture collected >48 hours after hospital admission and < 48 hrs after discharge. First SAB collected <48 hours after hospital admission, with one or more key clinical criteria met.
Contaminated Specimens.. A contaminated specimen can produce a false positive result Contamination of blood cultures is rare in adults (1- 2% of culture positive episodes) and more common in children (5-10%). If, in the evaluation of a potential event: – the clinical picture is unsupportive of infection – repeat blood culture(s) are negative –no antimicrobial treatment is given Then the positive blood culture should be regarded as a contamination and not reported
Staph. aureus bacteraemia rates Occupied Bed Days Vs Separations SAB rate per Occupied Bed Days SAB rate per 100 Separations
Reporting of Staph. aureus bacteraemia data Hospital Data State/Territory/Private Data Hand Hygiene Australia Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare