Welcome to the Physics Labs 7REG PHYS1001 Physics 1 Regular
Session Supervisor: Richard Thompson Tutors: Raphael Clady John Holik Stephanie Momsen
Lab Manual (white cover) available from the Co-op Bookshop around $10
Save an electronic copy of the Certificate of Completion Print out a copy to bring to the Week 3 Lab session in Week 3 You only need to do it once; you can use the saved copy as xxx proof for other departments. Attach a copy of the certificate to the inside back cover of your xxx Lab Team Logbook. Your supervisor will look at your Logbook at the end of Week 3, xxx initial your certificate, and record a mark for it.
Three main components: Seven Laboratory Experiments (Collisions, Liquid Flow (2 weeks), Terminal Velocity, Ultra-sound, Lenses, Wire) Excel Exercise on Data Analysis (this session). Introduction to the REG lab. Laboratory Skills Test (Week 12)
Preparatory Work – handed in before the session starts (0, ½, 1 marks). 3 check-points for each lab class (1 mark each). Session Schedule: (first 4 weeks)
(From Lab. Manual Intro.) How to prepare for each session Each session requires some preparation before you come to the laboratory. Read the session notes in the Lab Manual. Read the appropriate sections of your textbook, Young and Freedman. Download the session preparatory exercises from eLearning/WebCT. Do the session preparatory exercises BEFORE coming to the lab. Place your exercises in the collection box AS YOU ENTER THE LAB. REMEMBER: If it’s not in the box in will not be marked!
Typical Prework page: You MUST fill in: your NAME, your SESSION your TEAM
Marking scheme for preparatory work Not in box at collection time (10:10 am or 2:10 pm) = 0 marks Submitted, but without a reasonable attempt at the questions = 0 marks Reasonable attempt at questions = ½ mark. Reasonable attempt, with most answers correct = 1 mark
PHYS1001 Regular Assessment Components Laboratory20% Laboratory Skills Test 5% Assignments10% Workshops 2% Final Exam63%
Health and Safety, #1 Closed-toe shoes MUST be worn (= no thongs or sandals). You may NOT eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory. Unauthorised tampering with computer hardware or software is not permitted. Do not download or execute (double click) *.exe files.
Health and Safety #2 Safe handling practices must be observed. Faulty equipment must be reported to Teaching or Laboratory staff immediately. Liquid spills must be reported to laboratory staff immediately
Health and Safety, #3 Mercury is contained in some equipment e.g. thermometers. Lasers: Do not look directly into a laser beam or point lasers at other people. Radioactive sources: Don’t use unprotected hands.
Fire Safety If there is a Fire in the Carslaw building a warning will sound ordering evacuation of the building. Follow the Exit signs out of the lab and down the central stairwell (do not use the lifts), or the Fire Escape between Labs 401 and 402. Go to the open area in front of the Madsen building, across the road (Eastern Avenue) from the Carslaw building.
Today’s Lab Lab Teams & LabRAT registration Intro to REG Lab Excel Exercise