Titles with Warnings as to dimensions Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. ISV Glenelg Grampians Group Seminar 21 st November 2013 Application & Survey Branch Land Registration Services
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions - Overview Part IV of the Fifth Schedule of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 Usually referred to as a 'survey warning‘ Most common form of warning Appears on any title issued from General Law conversion not based on survey, unless the land is a whole Crown parcel 2 Warning as to Dimensions Any dimension and connecting distance shown is based on the description of the land as contained in the General Law Title and is not based on survey information which has been investigated by the Registrar of Titles'.
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions - Overview Must a section 26P application be lodged when dealing with title/s with a Warning as to Dimensions? 3 YES If claiming additional land - TLA or NUA If require dimensions updated and no dealing to be lodged eg undertaking a re- establishment survey only NO If Subdivision or Consolidation is lodged on a title with Warning, is based on survey and doesn’t affect abutting land
Used for removing a ‘Warning as to Dimensions” on a provisional folio – must be survey based Occupation generally be adopted as the boundaries. The Plan of Survey should be prepared similarly to those prepared for a Sec 15, 60 or 99 applications. Titles with Warnings as to dimensions - Overview Characteristics of a Section 26P Application
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions – Township PS example
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions – Simple 26P example
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions – Rural PS example
Should have been s26P?
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions – Rural 26P example
Titles with Warnings as to dimensions – Complex 26P example
Questions? Titles with Warnings as to dimensions