Rewayat Hafs 'An 'Aasim by the way of Shaatibiyyah Muslla altaqwa 14 th lecture 26 Jumadi AL Aakhera 1434
The basic characteristics with opposite The characteristicIts Opposite 1- Istilaa(Tafkheem)2- Istifal( Tarqeeq) 3- Hams4- Jahr 5- Shiddah6- The In Between & Rakhawa 7- Itbak8- Infitah
Before we start our class Istilaa is applicable with ( خص ضغط قظ ) Hams is appliacable with ( حثه شخص فسكت ) Shidda is applicable with ( أجد قط بكت ) And In between ( لن عمر ) Some letters may have Hams and Shidda like ( ك، ت ) Some letters may have Jahr and Rakhawa like ( ذ، ز، ض، ظ، غ، و، ي )
Excersie Put your hand in front of your mouth and pronounce the following letter: ( ذ، ز، ض، ظ، غ، و، ي ) What did you notice?
Diagram shows sifat AL Hroof
7-8 The Adhestion (Itbaq) and the open (Infitah) The Itbaq is the adhesion of the tongue or big portion of it with the roof of the mouth while pronouncing the letter. The quality of the Itbaq is found in 4 letters ( ص، ض، ط، ظ ) The Infitah is the absence of the adhesion of the tongue or big portion of it with the roof of the mouth while pronouncing the letter. The quality of the Infitah is found in the rest of the Alphabets.
Note All the letters of Itbaq have the quality of Istilaa but not verse versa.