Data Quality Improving motivation to improve data quality
We need data… Reduce costs by eliminating unplanned failures Optimise inspection intervals for critical equipment Reduce process variability Improve repair shop processes Provide targets for metrics Reliability Growth Work with manufacturers to improve design Optimise system reliability and minimise LCC at design Add reliability & energy efficiency clauses into purchase contracts Replace at the optimum time Benchmarking
The “soft” bit in the middle…
Don’t understand the process Don’t understand why it’s important Don’t understand how to do it Too many other things to do SOLUTION…? More communication about the process More training on how to fill in the forms Set aside specific time after each job for data collection Increase importance to punishments Show importance to company Show importance to coworkers Increase importance to rewards
How to work out the best solution? Which factor is important for each area? Need a model which can incorporate & then differentiate different reasons for low DQ Reasons How do the other goals & identities affect the DQ goal? “Fixing the equipment is more important than collecting data” Context
Not important To the organization To me keeping my job To getting more money (bonus/promoted) To how well I do my job To the overall maintenance of the equipment To my team or to a particular mate in my team To how much “fun” the job is or how much control I have To my supervisor To the safety of the equipment
Goal Hierarchy Why do we do what we do? Goal choice (behaviour) driven by higher-order goals, identities & values
A Basic Hierarchy Strength of connection related to: 1.Helpfulness in achieving higher-order goal 2.Feasibility of accomplishment 3.Accountability Strength of connection related to: 1.Helpfulness in achieving higher-order goal 2.Feasibility of accomplishment 3.Accountability
When “Home” is Salient
When “Work” is Salient
How Does This Help DQ? What are the identities that people hold? Which are most important? Can we link ‘collecting data’ to that which is most important? –E.g., no point in linking to “being a good employee” if that isn’t important to them What is the feasibility of data quality? Interventions designed around the identities and personal projects that are most common across the group
What Will We Do? Elicit people’s goal hierarchy Statistically link with DQ ratings to check validity of theory –Controlling for other factors such as personality, team characteristics etc Identify common identities or projects Design intervention based on those
What do you think? Does this strike a chord with you? Any factors you can think of that don’t fit this model? Any reservations?