National Sudanese Women Refugees Network of Australia and New Zealand 2 nd Conference National Sudanese Women Refugees Network of Australia and New Zealand 2 nd Conference Interim Committee Chairperson Chairperson Aguil de’chut Deng Secretary Secretary Anna Adieng Treasurer Treasurer Tereaza Adhieu Kou Information Information Elizabeth Adongjok SA State Coordinator SA State Coordinator Dr Victoria Achut Venue: Coglin Street, Adelaide Date : 4 th -5 th October 2008
Chairperson Comrade Aguil de’chut Deng Elected to the position at the 1 s Women’s National Conference, Canberra, 2007 Responsibilities: -To write and distribute report -To encourage women to register at state level -To organize 2 nd National conference
Conference’s Delegates Canberra, 2007 Honorable Dr Deb Foskey Green MLA Honorable Karin MacDonalds ALP MLA
Women delegates, Adelaide,South Australia, at the conference 4 th -5 th Oct 2008 Women delegates, Adelaide,South Australia, at the conference 4 th -5 th Oct 2008
Objectives To bring together Sudanese women from all parts of Australia and New Zealand to Empower Women through To bring together Sudanese women from all parts of Australia and New Zealand to Empower Women through Advocacy Advocacy Networking Networking Peace Building Peace Building
Day one Welcome Welcome Introduction of interstate delegates Introduction of interstate delegates Speech by Comrade Kon Ater, Chairperson SA Chapter SPLM Speech by Comrade Kon Ater, Chairperson SA Chapter SPLM Speech by guest of honour Branka King Speech by guest of honour Branka King Speeches by Chairperson Aguil Deng Speeches by Chairperson Aguil Deng Group discussion (6 groups) Group discussion (6 groups) Traditional dancing (Gogrial community dancing group) Traditional dancing (Gogrial community dancing group) Speeches by Women Leaders Speeches by Women Leaders Speech from Adut Ngor (professional women) Speech from Adut Ngor (professional women) Speech from Youth Representative Medo Amum Speech from Youth Representative Medo Amum
Group Discussions Six groups were formed. Topics discussed Parenting Parenting Communication Communication Leadership Leadership Networking Networking Depression Depression
Summary of Group Discussion Need for frequent meetings and workshops Need for frequent meetings and workshops Taking collective responsibility for passing information Taking collective responsibility for passing information Means of passing information Means of passing information Active participation in the community Active participation in the community Breaking social isolation Breaking social isolation
Summary of Group Discussion cont… Parenting issues Parenting issues Overcoming depression Overcoming depression Confidentiality and privacy (interpreters) Confidentiality and privacy (interpreters) Rights and responsibilities of clients Rights and responsibilities of clients Involving young women - empowerment Involving young women - empowerment Education and awareness Education and awareness
Recommendations Actively involving in the Sudanese community activities Actively involving in the Sudanese community activities Breaking social isolation Breaking social isolation Taking leadership roles and empowerment Taking leadership roles and empowerment More meetings and workshops More meetings and workshops Networking at the state as well as the national level Networking at the state as well as the national level
Recommendations cont… Advocating on behalf of Sudanese women and girls to service providers and other government agencies Advocating on behalf of Sudanese women and girls to service providers and other government agencies Encouraging women, especially young, to take up leadership roles Encouraging women, especially young, to take up leadership roles Bridging the gaps between the elders and youth Bridging the gaps between the elders and youth
Recommendations cont… Improving skills for women, education and training Improving skills for women, education and training Improving Interpreting shortcomings to respect privacy and confidentiality Improving Interpreting shortcomings to respect privacy and confidentiality Means of improving parenting skills Means of improving parenting skills Take collective responsibility in communicating information Take collective responsibility in communicating information
Recommendations cont… Means of passing information (text messages, s, letters, phone calls, word of mouth, community events and gatherings) Means of passing information (text messages, s, letters, phone calls, word of mouth, community events and gatherings) Next conference in NSW (date to be advised) Next conference in NSW (date to be advised) Current interim office to continue Current interim office to continue Draft constitution Draft constitution
{1}Recommendation Establishment state Branch office, through election Establishment state Branch office, through election Work on draft constitution Work on draft constitution Work on women calendar Work on women calendar Establish website Establish website Inquiries about Radio program Inquiries about Radio program
{2} Recommendation Work on social activities that bring women together Work on social activities that bring women together Organize state conference Organize state conference Conduct peace building workshop Conduct peace building workshop Prepare for International Women’s Day in each state Prepare for International Women’s Day in each state
{3} Recommendation Socializing fortnightly music and disco, venue in SA found, other states to follow Socializing fortnightly music and disco, venue in SA found, other states to follow Organize 2009 budget for {National and state} activities Organize 2009 budget for {National and state} activities Find information about public functions, organizations of like mind and other community groups Find information about public functions, organizations of like mind and other community groups Identify lists of volunteers to guide members Identify lists of volunteers to guide members