Calendar Planning Steps 1.Pray with your Team for wisdom to plan wisely. 2.Know your Mission (Why you exist), Vision (Where you are going) Goals (How you get there) 3.Evaluate the past years youth ministry program with your team. (Ask the youth at church what they liked/didn’t like).
Calendar Planning Steps 4.Call a special planning meeting or weekend camp with the youth. Brainstorm ideas for the next year. 5.Teach them the 5 Biblical purposes and about the different types of events so you can have a balanced youth ministry calendar and a balance of ideas.
Calendar Planning Steps 6.When you are putting in dates for your events remember to check the Conference Youth Calendar, and other calendars that are important that effect young people. (School holidays, Exams, public holidays, other churches close by etc) 7.Keep Pastors and key individuals in the communication loop about what you are trying to achieve.
Calendar Planning Steps 6.Have your Youth Calendar approved by the Church Board. 7.Publish your calendar so everyone knows what is happening. 8.Invite all guest speakers and book venues. 9.Pray
BALANCE OF FIVE EvangelismWorshipFellowshipDiscipleshipMinistry