CTLC Innovative Development Fund Janey Saunders Student Services
Transition and Technology Utilising Innovative Technologies To Address Transitional Issues Faced By Under-represented Students In Higher EducationTechnologies (Under-represented groups: Low SES, Indigenous, Rural & Isolated, NESB, Disabilities)
The Program 13 week transition and technology program 1 session per week Coordinated through Student Services Facilitated though Student Mentoring approach Each session will be dedicated to a particular topic that addresses academic, social, emotional and cultural needs of the target groupEach session CTLC innovations will be employed in the teaching and learning practices of this content
Rationale Provision of opportunities for under-represented groups. –‘first in family’ less familiar with the tertiary context and associated technologies. Teaching and Learning Enhancement Plan 2003 – 2007 –GOAL 3: Flexible and engaging teaching practice Students are very positive about the use of ICT to support their studies (Kennedy et al 2006)(Kennedy et al 2006)
Trial Program 2007
Student Services Exists to enhance student well-being, learning outcomes, career and life goals; Has designed the project to address transitional needs of the target group, with a particular emphasis on learning through technology
Participants Linda Bird - Project Leader Kelly Matthews - Designer and author of project application Student Services- Development, coordination, implementation and evaluation TEDI- Expert consultant in collaborative best practices and new technologies CTLC- Provision of access to and training in technologies
Objectives for the Target Group To incorporate T&L strategies into 1 st year transition To increase access and use of technologies To increase learner outcomes for under- represented groups To increase retention rates of this target group To build peer mentoring
Approach Foster collaborative T&L practices through the employment of Learning Community Leaders Address relevant issues to commencing students through the integration of technology as an educational resource Weekly ‘tutorial’ sessions in CTLC with continuing on line discussion via Blackboard
Technology Pods - small group modes Video conferencing - connecting Gatton & St. Lucia students Blogs and other online collaboration tools Blackboard site Familiarisation with UQ online services
Outcomes Retention rates Academic performance Integration into University culture-sense of belonging First year experience Access to available services Spread the word about their great experiences at UQ Become loyal alumni of UQ!
Comments to date Where are we now?now? Positives higher overall GPAs stronger sense of belonging to the university community perception of being better prepared Negatives small sample size with regard to attendance Bb usage by this cohort was not great, different faculties made connecting to content difficult, resulting in generic skills topics. Heavy reliance on student leaders.