National Professional Standard for Principals Dame Pat Collarbone
Introducing AITSL AITSL works with the education community to: Set and maintain standards for excellence in teaching and school leadership Lead and influence excellence in teaching and school leadership Support and recognise excellence in teaching and school leadership
AITSL’s work National Professional Standards for Teachers National Professional Standard for Principals Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders Professional Learning Flagship Programs Leading Curriculum Change Leading Australia’s Schools (2011) The Australian Awards for Outstanding Teaching and School Leadership
What is the Standard? The Standard is a public statement which sets out what Principals are expected to know, understand and do. It is represented as an integrated model. The Standard aims to: define the role and unify the profession nationally describe professional practice in a common language make explicit the role of quality school leadership in raising standards for the 21st century
Making a difference The Standard captures the crucial elements of a principal’s role in: raising student achievement ensuring equity and excellence creating a school where quality teaching and learning thrive meeting the needs of the community helping to shape the wider education system.
Leadership Leadership is about creating new realities.” “Leadership exists where people are no longer victims of circumstances but participate in creating new circumstances... it’s not about position or power; it’s not about accomplishments; it’s ultimately not even about what we do. Leadership is about creating a domain in which human beings continually deepen their understanding of reality and become more capable of participating in the unfolding of the world. Leadership is about creating new realities.” (Senge, 1990, 2006)
The development of the Standard Informed by research and by existing leadership standards and frameworks. Consulted stakeholders from all school sectors, institutes and professional associations. Engaged an International Advisory Panel. Included feedback on draft standard from stakeholders. Road tested standard through pilot studies nationwide. Approved by Ministerial Council in July 2011.
Research base Leadership must be contextual, learning-centred and responsive to the diverse nature of Australian schools The practices and competencies of leaders evolve as leaders move through their careers Leadership is distributed amongst members of school teams New models of leadership are emerging within and beyond the school with a focus on system leadership A small handful of personal qualities and skills explain a high proportion of the variation in leadership effectiveness
Excellence in school leadership Context: School, sector, community: socio-economic, geographic: and education systems at local, regional, national and global levels The standard for principals : The role in action Leadership requirements Professional practices Vision and values Knowledge and understanding Personal qualities, social and interpersonal skills High quality learning, teaching and schooling Successful learners, confident creative individuals and active informed citizens* Leading teaching and learning Developing self and others Leading improvement, innovation and change Leading the management of the school Engaging and working with the community
Change how we decide what to do Plan, review, respond model The model captures the concept of continuous improvement as well as the idea of different levels of learning – single, double and triple loop. Context Assumptions Plan & act Review outcomes Respond Change how we do things Change what we do Single-loop learning assumes that problems and their solutions are close to each other in time and space (thought they often aren't). In this form of learning, we are primarily considering our actions. Small changes are made to specific practices or behaviors, based on what has or has not worked in the past. This involves doing things better without necessarily examining or challenging our underlying beliefs and assumptions. The goal is improvements and fixes that often take the form of procedures or rules. Single-loop learning leads to making minor fixes or adjustments, like using a thermostat to regulate temperature Double-loop learning leads to insights about why a solution works. In this form of learning, we are considering our actions in the framework of our operating assumptions. This is the level of process analysis where people become observers of themselves, asking, “What is going on here? What are the patterns?” We need this insight to understand the pattern. We change the way we make decisions and deepen understanding of our assumptions. Double-loop learning works with major fixes or changes, like redesigning an organizational function or structure Triple-loop learning involves principles. The learning goes beyond insight and patterns to context. The result creates a shift in understanding our context or point of view. We produce new commitments and ways of learning. This form of learning challenges us to understand how problems and solutions are related, even when separated widely by time and space. It also challenges us to understand how our previous actions created the conditions that led to our current problems. The relationship between organizational structure and behavior is fundamentally changed because the organization learns how to learn. The results of this learning includes enhancing ways to comprehend and change our purpose, developing better understanding of how to respond to our environment, and deepening our comprehension of why we chose to do things we do. Change how we decide what to do
Model of professional practice 9
Using the Standard for analysis The Principal Standard offers a framework for professional dialogue and problem solving. Using the scenario you have been given work in groups of three, each taking a different role: The Principal – describes the situation and what they plan to do about it. The stakeholder (teacher, parent, governor) – responds and discusses with the Principal. The observer – captures which elements of the Standard are being used and provides feedback at the end.
Why is the Standard so important? To : provide a framework for professional learning attract, develop and support principals guide self improvement and assessment guide the management of self and others communicate the role to the wider community
Screengrab of Clearinghouse 13
How could you use the Standard? Look through your card pack which offers “Ways to Use the Principal Standard” and discuss and decide where to place each card on the priority matrix. do a quick evaluation initially – i.e. don’t waste time in debate. remember that all ratings are relative – not absolute. moderate your evaluations once all the cards have been rated.
Prioritising the uses of the Standard
How can Principals use the Standard? As a framework for problem solving and strategic planning. As a tool for self reflection. To identify areas for professional development. To coach middle and senior managers. To communicate the role to School Council and parents. To access relevant research and best practice: Clearinghouse on AITSL website
Commitment Take the Principal Standard postcard from your pack and write down three actions that you plan to take to use the Standard or share it with others. This postcard is for you to take now, but you can write and self-address a duplicate postcard for us to send to remind you, if you wish. Please hand this to staff when you leave.
We need your help We are passionate about getting the standard at the heart of every school. Could you: Work with local Principals to bring the Standard to life? Creatively use the Standard in your own school? Use the Standard with your P&C or school council to lead school improvement? Your memory stick contains today’s slides & videos. Copies of all materials used are available when you leave. Please take them to share.
“The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating “The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination”. John Schaar - political theorist (03) 9944 1200