Atoms and other Building Blocks of Matter by Dr H - W Winter Yellow slides Complete the tasks on your worksheets Blue slides Just read and enjoy
Atomic Theory An atom is an incredibly small building block of matter. Atoms are so small that we cannot see them, even with the best microscopes in the world.
ATOMS ARE EVERYWHERE Name 3 substances that are made of atoms But, having said that ……… ATOMS ARE EVERYWHERE Name 3 substances that are made of atoms
How Many Atoms? Roughly how many atoms do you think there are in a teaspoon of sulfur (about 5g)? 100000 000000 000000 000000 (or about 1023) There are over 100 different types of atoms. Each one forms a different chemical element. These elements are listed in the periodic table.
Atoms can now be “seen” using special technology Image of individual atoms in Mica (Image courtesy of Veeco Instruments Inc
Two Examples of Atoms The Hydrogen Atom The Carbon Atom electron protons & neutrons proton electrons
Atoms are made from sub-atomic particles 1. Protons (+ electric charge), p 2. Electrons (– electric charge), e 3. Neutrons (no charge), n Protons and neutrons have about the same mass. Electrons have about 2000 times less mass than protons. Electrical Forces produce an attraction between the electrons and the protons in the nucleus. This is because they are oppositely charged.
Table of Sub-Atomic Particles Name Mass (mass units) Charge on Particle Where found Symbol Proton 1 + Nucleus p+ Electron 1/2000 - Electron shells e- Neutron no Have you finished copying the information?
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