Prepared with the assistance of Nicola Mathieson. Europe in the 21st century: Power, Leadership and Crisis GERMAN LEADERSHIP TODAY By Michael Pearce SC Honorary Consul-General for Germany in Melbourne
The Holy Roman Empire: forerunner to the European Union? Source:
Bismarck Reich 1870 Source:
Weimar Republic Source:
Defeated, ruined, occupied, shamed eit_macht_fr.html
West and East Germany 1949 Source:
Germany today: 16 Länder Source:
The Reichstag Source:
Angela Merkel Source:
Joachim Gauck Source:
Vergangenheitsbewältigung Source:
Fritz Stern “To seek freedom in defiance of the state is not part of the German tradition, as it is of the English, Dutch, French and American traditions.” Stern, Fritz. "Freedom and its Discontents". Foreign Affairs 72, no. 4 (1993):
Life in the East The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen, 2006) Source:
Green Germany Source: Source:
The modern face of Germany Philipp Rösler: Heart surgeon and Federal Minister for Health Source:
German leadership: Adenauer and Kohl Konrad Adenauer Helmut Kohl Source:
Johannes Gross “The word ‘Realpolitik’ has been lost in the German language and will no longer be needed; it lives on in other languages as a foreign expression. In place of it we urgently need the word ‘Moralpolitik’ in order to label that which we, out of responsibility, refrain from doing.” “Notizbuch Johannes Gross. Neueste Folge”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin, Feb p 10.
A united Germany, a unified Europe Source: