This Presentation is run Under Windows Power Point. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is virus free so if you have any concerns please terminate the presentation now. MASTER QUOTE….. Simply Press “Page Down” now on your Keyboard to begin... A.B.N
MASTER QUOTE Welcome to the Master Quote OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Option 1 Option 1. Sit back and enjoy as the program takes you through each segment step by step, advancing automatically as it goes. You don’t have to do anything! You have 2 options of running this program. Simply Press “Page Down” now on your keyboard to begin... Option 2 Option 2. If this is too slow for you, simply click “Page Down” - Which moves you through more quickly, or “Page Up” - Which moves you back one item at a time Auto run approx.: 8 mins
WHAT THE PRODUCT ACHIEVES Quote by item yet print by description, eg the quote may be made up of multiple items to complete a bathroom renovation, but the actual quote can just read…. “Bathroom Renovation” MASTER QUOTE Capable of grouping separate items to form a “Kit” eg “Toilet Renovation”. Use items from different suppliers or even include your own items such as “labour”. Imports Price List’s from Suppliers in full detail including costs Allows easy search facility, eg Tradelink >29000 items, facilitates the search by Group, by Item number or Item description or even by Supplier if multiple suppliers are used.
BUILDING KITS This area allows you to build your own Kits. That is, group materials and labour used continually for the same process. When entering a new quote you will just need to select the Kit not the individual items each time. You can also Duplicate a Kit if the tasks are similar and change it as necessary.You can show them on the Quote as a kit or expand to show as individual items. MASTER QUOTE Use the Search tab to locate items easily. When added to the kit, the Total Trade Price and Retail Price will be calculated. These prices will automatically update when a new price file is imported. Save yourself time by clicking on the Copy button to duplicate a kit if similar to one already created. Modify items and quantities as necessary.
NEW QUOTES This area allows you to create new Quotes. MASTER QUOTE 1st Tab - Setup & Line Search Click on “Clear Job Address” to clear existing address & enter a new address for each individual job The facility also exists to Add headings and sub totals, insert blank lines or text and even move items up or down in the Quote. Select your Quoter’s Name for reporting purposes Set a Default Markup % Select Customer from dropdown list
NEW QUOTES - Searching This page shows the various methods that can be used to locate an item quickly and efficiently. MASTER QUOTE 2nd Tab - Search Enter the quantity of the item required and alter the markup % per individual item if necessary, otherwise leave as default Use the lightning bolt button to narrow down searches quickly and easily. Search by Item Group, Supplier, Item Number or Description to locate the items you require quickly and easily
NEW QUOTES - Notes This page shows you how to enter details about the job in the “Notes” field. This is where you would enter your job description. This can be as long as you need but only the first 255 characters will be exported to MYOB/QuickBooks. Also, this is the only information that will appear on a compact quote along with the quote total. MASTER QUOTE 3rd Tab - Insert Job Description
MODIFY QUOTES This area allows you to either modify the quote, accept it or even duplicate it to save you writing up a similar one. You can very simply add or remove items as well ! Please Note: This is only the top part of the Quote. The bottom section is the same as in “New Quotes” Click if accepted, and today’s date is the default. It will now be ready to export to MYOB/QuickBooks. If your quote is rejected enter the reason for this. You can print a report to show you the main reasons your quotes are rejected MASTER QUOTE
MODIFY/ACCEPT QUOTES - Competitive Quote Change any white fields to match your competitor’s price, and see what it does for your profit.
MASTER QUOTE MODIFY JOB SHEET Did your job take longer/shorter than first quoted? Did you use more/less items, or different items than you quoted? You can now modify your job sheet and find out exactly how much the job ended up costing/saving your business. These are the figures from the original quote. These are the modified figures after the job has been completed. You can now see how the unexpected changes to the original quote effected your Gross Profit ($), Gross Profit (%) and Markup (%). Once you have modified and/or added your items from the original quote through the Line Items tab, click on the Summary tab
OTHER FEATURES & BENEFITS: MASTER QUOTE 1. Importing Supplier Price Files…is as simple as 1,2,3 2. Setting Up Your own Suppliers…is also as simple as GST, sorry 1,2,3 3. Set up Groups - to group your own items 4. Import or Set up your card file, again also simple 6. This program can be used entirely on its own 5. Match a Competitor’s Quote and review your new margins Tradesmen have been involved in the design of this program from its earliest stages of development… that’s why it’s easy to use…….
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: MASTER QUOTE Windows 95, 97, 2000 Or ME PC Anywhere for remote support (optional) AVAILABILITY Serendipity Consulting Pty Ltd 13 Johnston Crt, Dandenong, Vic 3175 Ph: Fax: or Alternatively, Download the order form from our website
This has just been a brief overview of Master Quote and its many features. There is a longer presentation that we can forward to you if you wish to learn more about the program. Give our friendly staff a call on (03) if you have any queries or if you require any further information sent to you. Thank you once again for your time, we hope you found it informative. MASTER QUOTE To obtain MASTER QUOTE, please refer to the contact details on the previous slide and we will be happy to forward it to you. The Serendipity Team THE END PRODUCED BY: A.B.N