How did the government respond to threats to authority? WALT: Understand who public unrest impacted on the governments authority WILF: A/B Evaluate how.


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Presentation transcript:

How did the government respond to threats to authority? WALT: Understand who public unrest impacted on the governments authority WILF: A/B Evaluate how the government dealt with protest and how this impacted on the rebels C/D Explain the threat the unrest posed to the government and how the rebels were treated. The impact of industrial and agricultural change: Crime and Punishment in 19 th Century Britain

Starter: Identifying a cause for crime in the 19 th century Use the sources on the following slide to complete this table, you are looking for the CAUSES of crime.

Task 1: Challenging authority The need for reform Poor living and working conditions meant reform was needed. The need for change French Revolution encouraged people in Britain to hope for similar change. The need to be heard Moderate demands were made for the right to vote, the right to strike and the right to criticise government. The need for a Police Force There was no police force, soldiers were used to put down revolutions and uprisings. The need for law and order Government used laws to control people who protested about how Britain was run Colour the boxes: RED for Political issues GREEN for social issues.

Task 2: What was the Peterloo Massacre all about? Watch the following video clip and note the following: 1)What did the people want? 2)How did the government respond? 3)Why was this such a threat to authority?

Task 3: Dealing with Rebellions Task 2: Read through the information on page 21 about 2 protests to authority. Complete the table to show your findings.

The Peterloo Massacre 1819 Revolution Chaos Aggressive Authority Reform The Right to Vote Task 4: Choose words that you feel are represented in this source. For each word chosen, point out the evidence which supports your finding. Source B: A cartoon of The Peterloo Massacre of 1819 by George Cruikshank

Judging the usefulness of sources Source B: Cartoon by Cruikshank painted in 1819 based on an account of the massacre entitled Manchesters Heroes Source C: A painting of Peterloo done in 1930, based on accounts of the event. Task 5: Analyse Sources B and C. Working in pairs, decide which is the best representation of Peterloo. Be prepared to explain why, stating the better source and reasons for the other source being less useful. Write your findings on the next slide.

Which is the better source and why?

Plenary: Finish this sentence….. The Peterloo massacre is an example of violent unrest. There was no______________ and so the government used ______________ to stamp out the protest. The Tolpuddle Martrys is an example of peaceful protest about wages. The government and rich felt _____________ by the workers. This time they did not use violence, they used ___________ to control them Both of these are examples of how the government made ______________ out of innocent people CriminalsPolice ForceThreatened The LawViolence

Plenary What went well today? What do you need to do to move on? (refer to your essay)