NASA Direct Readout Laboratory Preparing for NPP HRD -NISGS Update- Patrick Coronado NASA/GSFC
October 6, What is the NISGS ? The NPP In-Situ Ground System (NISGS) is an Element of the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) NISGS directly supports the Technology Insertion and NPOESS Risk Reduction objectives: –Provides technology insertion for NPOESS, which will assure that the NPOESS High Rate Data (HRD) design will be readily usable for Field Terminal users. –Enables the user community to readily transition from existing POES/Terra/Aqua DB data to NPP and NPOESS HRD data. Emphasis on modularity for “freedom of choice”
October 6, Ensuring Direct Broadcast to HRD Continuity
October 6, NISGS is also a bridge between the mission and the DB community NISGS Support Model
October 6, NISGS Deliverables Direct Broadcast Science Data Record (SDR) Algorithms for all NPP Instruments –Standalone with common interface Technology Tools to enable ingest, pre- processing and real-time monitoring of any Direct Broadcast Data Record (xDR) Provide version 1.0 of deliverables 1 yr prior to launch
October 6, Design Objectives Develop a Direct Readout technology suite that is free to “anyone” Key design criteria are: –Scalability –Extensibility –Portability –Ease of Use These “individual” technologies will be tested within a functional system environment –Including verification with NPP spacecraft prior to launch
October 6, NISGS Architecture
October 6, NISGS Front End System (NISFES) EDT interface EDT input Receiver SimulcastRT-STPS Downconverter Antenna ACU MMS NISFES Data path Software Hardware Control Key RDR Simulcast Clients
October 6, Multi-mission Scheduler (MMS) Controls NISGS Front End System (NISFES) Serves as the interface to front end hardware and software Calculates satellite pass schedules and resolves conflicts Configures hardware and software to capture satellite data Retrieves Two-line Elements (TLEs) from Information Services (IS) Registers Level 0 products or Raw Data Records (RDRs) with the Data Storage Manager (DSM)
October 6, Multi-mission Scheduler (MMS)
October 6, RT-STPS RT-STPS is a standalone processing software system that takes a raw satellite data stream from the output of the receiver and processes it to EOS Level-0 or an RDR. Functionally, this system will take packets/frames and do the following: Frame synchronize PN decode Reed-Solomon decode Packet process Time order Separate instrument data streams into independent files Write to socket for real-time data relay Process data to EOS Level-0 or RDR
October 6, Real-time Software Telemetry Processing System (RT-STPS)
October 6, Simulcast View instrument data in real time Replay recent satellite passes Support multiple instrument types Support many clients (scalable) Support remote clients Java implementation Version 2 now available at Version 3 will add real-time geolocation and projection and mozaic capability
October 6, Simulcast Client MODIS Image of Hurricane Rita, September 23
October 6, Simulcast Client MODIS Image of Hurricane Rita, September 24
October 6, Primary job is to serve the NISDS Control System (NCS) Stores references to products and ancillary files in the database Finds specific products by product type, time, and other user defined criteriae Moves files between computers Deletes obsolete products Components include a MySQL database, a Java library, a maintenance agent and a mover agent Data Storage Manager (DSM)
October 6, NISDS Control System (NCS) Controls product generation Acts as the interface between the Data Storage Manager (DSM) and the Science Processing Algorithms (SPAs) Retrieves SPAs input products from the DSM Creates environment for SPA programs, and registers output products with the DSM Scalable to accommodate indefinite increasing processing loads Easily accommodates addition of new SPAs
October 6, NISDS Control System (NCS)
October 6, A passive repository for in-house (GSFC) products for NISGS A passive repository for DSM-registered ancillary and auxiliary data Functions as a permanent repository of global ancillary and auxiliary data available to the Direct Readout community Satisfies legacy and script users of Direct Readout community Information Services (IS)
October 6, Information Services (IS) Information Services FTP Server GSFC Direct Broadcast Server Global Ancillary Server Global Auxiliary Server Special Operation Data Linux Operating System Community IS Server NISGS Gigabit Internet Gigabit Internet
October 6, NISGS Status/Event Logging System (NSLS) Logs status events that occur Allows real-time display of events Supports filtered searching of past events Provides a real-time diagnostic tool
October 6, NISGS Status/Event Logging System (NSLS)
October 6, A Common Science Processing Algorithm (SPA) Wrapper Wrapped Algorithm TLE LUTDEM Param s Algorithm LabelFile attitudeatt.hdf ephemeriseph.hdf imagedataimg.hdf LabelFile Veg. Indexndvi.hdf VI Imagevi.tiff Input Files Output Files SPA Wrapper Model For any data system to be efficiently extensible there has to be a way to take an arbitrary algorithm and add it to ‘a’ processing environment. For the EOS SPAs, the DRL wrappers are implemented in Java (like everything else within the NISGS model). Simple implementation: can be instantiated from a command line NISGS Testbed Build 2 SPAs are fully SPA Wrapper Compliant All future SPAs located on the Direct Readout Web Portal will comply with the SPA Wrapper Model
October 6, With a ‘Common’ Wrapper Comes Challenges-- NPP/NPOESS I-P-O Algorithm Memory data field Memory data field Memory data field Memory data field Memory data field Memory data field Wrapper XML C++ Wrapper core Label File attitude att.hdf ephemeris eph.hdf imagedata img.hdf Input Files Label File Veg. Index ndvi.hdf VI Image vi.tiff Output Files Wrapped I-P-O Algorithm Input/outpu t Refers to All ‘goals’ established for EOS SPAs may be implemented for the IDPS OPS Code, but… It is desired to have one set of SPAs for all the right reasons, so: The NPP Science Team, NPOESS Cal/Val Team and the DRL are working ‘together’ to establish criteria for common wrapper model for NPOESS Success can be achieved with full SSPR cooperation
October 6, Algorithm Validation Process
October 6, NISGS Status NISGS Build 1 completed April 2005 NISGS Build 2 completed September 2005, and will be demonstrated later this month at the PolarMax Conference NISGS Build 3 now underway
October 6, Test Data Sets CADU-level raw data set APID structure – all 4 instruments –First data set will allow testing of your protocol processing/ingest system Available next summer via Directreadout web portal Spacecraft to Direct Readout Station Interface Control Document now available. under Documents in Links section
October 6, EOS Science Code Availability MODIS Level 1 & LUTs for Terra/Aqua – Available Oceans Algorithms - Available Source code within SeaDAS at: Land and Atmosphere Algorithms – Available Jan 2006 NASA Public release site: