The role of Fertile Questions in Inquiry Andrew Stone
ASMS CS Curriculum Background Paint image?
What is a FQ? Refer to notes from Harpaz paper – Characteristics Life analogy?
Fertile vs Rich vs Challenging vs undermining vs provocations Different understandings of a similar purpose
Are these FQ? Hand out some examples, (ASMS examples included), including some poor, great and ok ones and do a think/share.
Why use a FQ? Refer to Learning design and UbD
UbD Image
Let’s create an Interdisciplinary FQ! Use randomiser tool to pair science/history/maths/english content/essences from AC Print out 5 and have each visitor tackle one, then share and discuss.
Your FQ? Are they coming with an outcome in mind?
Address: Australian Science & Mathematics School Flinders University Sturt Road, Bedford Park South Australia 5042 Telephone: Facsimile: South Australian Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS provider number 00018A