SWBAT: Correctly use words associated with timelines Identify the 3 key aspects of professional timelines
1. Place homework (timeline) on desks 2. Take out your book and a pen/pencil 3. Quiz: What does ‘chronology’ mean. Write down your answer.
Lesson 2: Timelines (cont.)
Homework & Quiz Our ‘Charter’ of expectations Materials for class More on timelines Term 1 assessment
Check H/W + Quiz
Open wiki!
Book Folder to keep handouts organised and intact Stationary (pen or pencil) iPad
Building our knowledge
Take out your ‘Timelines’ handout from last lesson Did anyone read through to the bottom of the page about using the word ‘century’?
Assessment is ONLY being used to ensure you have learned a skill This is important to me as for me to be doing my job properly If you do not hand in an assessment task, do not put in adequate effort or plagiarise (copy), I can’t be sure I’ve taught you properly.
Medieval Figure Portfolio
Check homework and century sheets.