Comenius-Project Young Migrants – at home abroad Germany Michelberggymnasium Geislingen
Some things you have to know about Germany… We do not drink beer all the time We do not wear lederhosen all the time We do not wear tennis socks all the time We do not wear funny hats all the time We do not all have moustaches
Baden- Württemberg
Ulmer Münster The ‘‘Ulmer Münster‘‘ is the highest church in the world
Our national dish: Linsen and Spätzle
Geislingen- the city with 5 valleys
the WMF, an international factory that produces metal goods a railway station a cinema the 5-Täler Bad, an open air pool the Helfenstein, an old castle a historic city centre In Geislingen there is…
…and the Migy
Many excursions
Annual Christmas bazaar
European school sports festival
Exchange with Montceau, France
some pictures of our school
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