primo search New ACPE Library resource discovery and delivery service Catalogue and database items can now be retrieved from a single search interface The Australian College of Physical Education
primo search single search box for all resources
primo search Basic search Advanced search My Library Record Saved searches Results Multiple versions of the same work The Australian College of Physical Education
primo search Item location and details Access to eJournals Access to eJournal articles Send citation to My folder / basket The Australian College of Physical Education
basic search click for advanced search
advanced search advanced search options
advanced search
logon to your Library record
my library record logon with your Library card same logon as Studysmart is on the way
my library record current loans, due dates, renew option
my library record saved searches
to save a search, begin a new search…
saved searches results, click ‘Save Query’…
saved searches
add search name
saved searches ‘Save and alert’ for auto- results updates
saved searches search has been saved and added click link to re- execute search
results results in middle of screen results limiters on left of screen
results results sorted by… can set 50 results per page, via My Library Record
results results can be of various types…
results refine results by various limiters…
results Availability statement
results e.g. limit results by Subject, ‘Sports Injuries’
results limiter displayed here
results e.g. limit further by Resource Type, ‘Books’
results limiter displayed here
results remove limiter by clicking ‘X’
click ‘More Options’ for further limits
results include or exclude by multiple criteria
results results refined by multiple Resource Types
multiple versions of the same work click to view multiple versions of the work
multiple versions of the same work 5 different editions of the book and 1 DVD
item location and details Details tab for bibliographic information
item location and details SmartPhone QR code for shelf location
item location and details Location tab to know where to find item
item location and details Journal location and holdings
access to eJournals click ‘View Online’ tab
access to eJournals click ‘Go’ to access the eJournal
access to eJournal articles click ‘View Online’ tab
access to eJournal articles click ‘Go’ to access the article
send citation to click ‘Send to’ for sending citation
my folder / basket click star to add result to My Folder
my folder / basket click ‘My Folder’ to view collected results
my folder / basket click to create a new folder to organise items
my folder / basket name the new folder
my folder / basket
select and cut records
my folder / basket select target folder and paste
my folder / basket records transferred to new folder