Tuesday – writing WALT Sentence construction Wednesday – Language Conventions WALT Revising and proof reading Thursday – Word Work WALT. Improving writing – synonyms, adjectives etc Friday – Reflection - Did we achieve the goals? Set new goals Monday – Planning WALT Organising ideas Building ideas
Monday – Planning WALT Organising ideas Building ideas Links with finding the main idea of reading lessons Where do we find ideas? Refer to ideas section of NAPLAN marking Use Work on Writing behaviours
Tuesday – writing WALT Sentence construction Effective sentences Language conventions Making writing interesting Holding reader’s interest Understanding the purpose Understanding your audience. Reading successful writers to find out what they do
Wednesday – Language Conventions WALT Revising and proof reading Does it sound right? Does it look right? How can I make my writing even better? Using a thesaurus Practising proof reading skills
Thursday – Word Work WALT. Improving writing – synonyms, adjectives etc Building vocabulary Using parts of speech correctly
Friday – Reflection - Did we achieve the goals? Why or why not? Do we need to set them again? Goals set during one to one discussion with me on TPL day (mostly Fridays). Goals typed into Express Space on Ultranet Reflection recorded on Ultranet as a submission Teach children individually or as a group Photos, scans, podcasts included on Ultranet Set new goals – Set homework for the following week?