TITLE DATE 4 Weeks to Discover Sailing Day
With only 4 weeks to go until your Discover Sailing day there are a number of areas that should be considered in the coming week…. Click on the play icon for sound
Discover Sailing Branded Signage Your Discover Sailing branded signage may have been purchased from the Yachting Australia online shop or you may have created your own. Now is the time to plan where you will place your signage around your club. Click on the play icon for sound
Signage… Signage is imperative to the success of your day. Good signage should be well placed and clear. Signage will… Advertise that the day is happening Direct participants to your club Create a great first impression Click on the play icon for sound
Discover Sailing Signage Visit to order Discover Sailing branded signage such as… Corflute directional boards Vinyl banners Click on the play icon for sound
Planning Post-Day Follow-Up Your club should now have a plan in place to follow-up participants after they attend your Discover Sailing Day. Although you will provide information on the Day, this should be positively reinforced in a further communication after the Day. Ideally, this follow-up communication should be within 10-days so it is still fresh in your participants’ mind. Click on the play icon for sound
Your Follow Up Communication… This might include: Thank you for attending letters Promotions or offers on Discover Sailing Experiences and Courses (if you are a Discover Sailing Centre) Information about dates and booking procedures Reminders about how participants may join your club Information about crewing and other opportunities that your club offers. Click on the play icon for sound
The Discover Sailing Day Survey… If participants have registered their details online they will automatically be sent a survey after the day. Contact your State Association for the results of this survey for your club. Click on the play icon for sound
Discover Sailing Day Checklist Activities for the day set out in a schedule All club members aware of the day and how they can be involved Volunteers recruited and assigned roles Boats, equipment and facilities in place for the day Details on MyClub and MyCentre up-to-date and correct Club website clearly promotes Discover Sailing Day and tells participants how to register Regular updates on the club’s social media site about the Day Ordered free Discover Sailing promotional material for distribution Click on the play icon for sound
Local marketing plan developed and implemented Ordered Discover Sailing merchandise Club signage appropriate for welcoming new participants Risk and safety management plan in place – including bad weather contingency plan All these boxes should now be ticked! Discover Sailing Day Checklist Continued… Click on the play icon for sound
For further information…. For further information about planning your Discover Sailing Day refer to the Discover Sailing Day Club Guide. Download for full Discover Sailing Guide Click on the play icon for sound
To see how Concord Ryde Sailing Club run a highly successful Discover Sailing day follow the link below….