TITLE DATE 2 Weeks to Discover Sailing Day
It is now only two weeks to go until your Discover Sailing Day and it is all about the details…. Click on the play icon for sound
Pre-registrations In the weeks and months before your Discover Sailing Day, participants will have been registering online through the Discover Sailing website. Two weeks prior to the Day you should expect pre- registrations to increase. Keeping track of these will give you a head start to your day as you gauge numbers and ages of participants. Click on the play icon for sound
Registering Participants Online on the Day… Participants that have not pre-registered are still required to register with you on the day. Now is the time to think about setting up an ONLINE registration desk for your Discover Sailing Day. Remember you will still need paper registration forms as a back up! Click on the play icon for sound
Discover Sailing Day Checklist Activities for the day set out in a schedule All club members aware of the day and how they can be involved Volunteers recruited and assigned roles Boats, equipment and facilities in place for the day Details on MyClub and MyCentre up-to-date and correct Club website clearly promotes Discover Sailing Day and tells participants how to register Regular updates on the club’s social media site about the Day Ordered free Discover Sailing promotional material for distribution Click on the play icon for sound
Local marketing plan developed and implemented Ordered Discover Sailing merchandise Contacted local media outlets Club signage appropriate for welcoming new participants Risk and safety management plan in place – including bad weather contingency plan Food and beverage organised for the Day Heads-up on pre-registered participants - thought about online registration All these boxes should now be ticked! Discover Sailing Day Checklist Continued… Click on the play icon for sound
For further information…. For further information about planning your Discover Sailing Day refer to the Discover Sailing Day Club Guide. Download for full Discover Sailing Guide Click on the play icon for sound
To see how Concord Ryde Sailing Club ran a highly successful Discover Sailing day follow the link below….