What is a Group Leader? Region Seminar 28 April 2013
What is a Group? A Group can take many forms and is the operational level to deliver the Aim and Principles to young people. It provides a range of program opportunities, appropriate to the development and needs of young people in a particular community. It may be structured according to section age groupings, interests or a combination. A Group Leader, supported by Leaders and other adults use the Scout Method to implement the Scout Program. Support is provided through trained Leaders and other adults within the community. The Group Leader is the manager of the Group, with Section Leaders to run various Sectional Programs, and Parents and Supporters to help provide the physical resources required for the successful delivery of the Sectional Youth Programs. Groups are formed to service Members who live in remote areas and in small communities. This may be done through multi-Sectional Programs. Source Chapter 3 Charter manual
Group Structure What is the Group structure?
The duties of a Group Leader Appointment: Group Leader Person to whom Responsible: Regional Commissioner Requirements: 1. Be enthusiastic and able to motivate young people and adults. 2. Have a strong commitment to young people and Scouting in general. 3. Ability to communicate with young people and adults. 4. Complete the training appropriate to the appointment. 5. Be prepared to share leadership and develop other Leaders. 6. Be prepared to accept an initial term of appointment of up to three years. 7. Have organisational skills, relative to the appointment.
Functions 1. Youth Program and development a. Promote Youth Program activities. b. Implement the educational objectives of the Movement. c. Encourage and facilitate the development of each Youth Member. 2. Leadership a. Encourage and facilitate the development of adults in support. b. Provide a safe environment for the conduct of all Youth Program activities. c. Ensure correct administration in accordance with Association and Branch policies.
Functions (cont.) 3. Fundamentals a. Promote the Fundamentals of Scouting and their use within the Youth Program. 4. Planning for success a. Encourage progression through the Movement. b. Commitment to the growth of the Movement. 5. Relationships (problem solving) a. Act responsibly and appropriately in all matters relating to the Members of the Movement.
Functions (Cont.) 6. Communication a. Ensure effective communication to all Leaders, families and the community. 7. Performance recognition a. Ensure Youth Members are adequately recognised for their achievements. b. Ensure adult members are adequately recognised formally and informally.
Broad Objectives To develop a complete Group, consisting of Joey Scout Mob, Cub Scout Pack, Scout Troop, Venturer Scout Unit, and Rover Crew, and promote the benefits of Scouting to the local community.
Duties 1.1 Accept responsibility for the welfare, progress and training of young people within the Group. 1.2 Develop the Group to its maximum potential and increase membership to make Scouting available to more young people in the community. 1.3 Ensure that the training program for young people is delivered in accordance with the performance and safety standards of the Association.
Duties (Cont.) 2.1 Ensure that the Group is adequately staffed by trained, competent, committed Leaders. 2.2 Monitor and assess the performance of Leaders in the Group. 2.3 Undertake personal development training, especially that offered through the formal Adult Leader Development Program of the Scout Association. 2.4 Recommend the appointment, transfer, retirement and cancellation of appointment of Leaders in the Group, in Accordance with Branch procedures and rules. 2.5 Monitor the appropriate use of Scouting’s resources, including property, finance and personnel across the District.
Duties (Cont.) 3.1 Ensures that the Group operates in accordance with the Aim, Principles, Policies and Rules of the Scout Association of Australia and the Branch. 4.1 Prepare and implement a Group Scout plan in consultation with the Regional Commissioner or alternative support level, in accordance with Branch procedures. 4.2 Ensure that all Leaders in the Group develop a knowledge and understanding of all Sections. 5.1 Participate in the resolution of disputes in the Group in accordance with conflict resolution procedures of the Branch. 5.2 Utilise the support and assistance that is available to Groups by the Association and the community.
Duties (Cont.) 6.1 Develop and encourage a friendly atmosphere in the Group so that new members and their families feel welcome. 6.2 Encourage the formation and effective operation of a Group Committee and serve on it. 6.3 Encourage effective communication between Leaders in the Group, and chair the Group Council. 6.4 Co-operate with and maintain good relations with other youth organisations in the community. 6.5 Develop good relations with community leaders to enhance the perception of Scouting.
Duties (Cont.) 7.1 Recommend the conferring of awards to Youth Members, Leaders and supporters of the Group. 7.2 Ensure the informal recognition of Youth Members, Leaders and supporters of the Group. 8. Any other duties consistent with the role.
How do you do that? What tools do you need to enable you to do your role? Communication What support do you need? What Training (other than standard)
Next steps Over the next few meetings we’d like to break down the functions, duties and expectations and work through them. Lets look at them to understand what they mean and what we can do to get the information to you. Lets think outside the squares
For example –GL Requirements 1. Be enthusiastic and able to motivate young people and adults. (How do you motivate young people? You are a leader of adults?) 3. Ability to communicate with young people and adults. (How do you communicate – what are the mediums?) 5. Be prepared to share leadership and develop other Leaders. (How do you share leadership)
Outcomes for today Identify the main areas to focus on Break into 4 groups for next years meetings Identify secondary focus areas which the ARC support area can take away and provide information pre meetings
Areas of Discussion GL Requirements GL Functions GL Duties