Welcome to Room 8’s Back to School Night! Together, we shine a little brighter
Introduction 1. Teaching Experience 2. Background/Family 3. Education
Philosophy of Education Philosophy – I believe in creating an environment that is both positive and nurturing. In our classroom children know and feel that it is a safe place to learn, as well as take risks. I believe that children learn best when actively engaged and that learning should be FUN!
ABC’s of First Grade… 1. School Hours *8:00-1:57 M,T,TH,F * 8:00-1:17 W (Minimum Days) *Instructional Schedule 2. Label All Items (sweaters/jackets/lunch boxes) 3. Star Student *Bag will go home on Friday and will be due back on Monday
4. Birthdays *No food items due to severe allergies (pencils, books, etc.) 5. Healthy Snack/Lunch 6. Absences – Please call the attendance line (949) 936-5751 7. Fevers = no school! 8. If absent for one or two days- work will be in cubby and needs to be completed at home. 9. Take home folder (Navy blue)- goes home every day and is returned every day. 10. Field Trips- Kellogg House
Conference Week 1. August 26th – 30th 2. No School on Monday, August 26th 3. Minimum Days Tuesday-Friday (Aug. 27-30) 4. 1:17 dismissal on Minimum Days 5. Sign-ups were done online 6. A time to set goals for the year and go over Homework Policy
Parent Volunteers 1. Sign up at the end of our presentation if you haven’t already turned in the volunteer form 2. RTI help – you may not get to work in the same class as your child, since we share our volunteers. Our goal is to support the learning and reading growth of all 1st graders! 3. Remember, anything that you hear or observe about another child and/or children, is to be kept confidential! 4. If you have never filled out a volunteer form, please fill it out and return (with a copy of your driver’s license) to the front office. Thank you for all of your help in advance!
Curriculum 1. Language Arts 2. RTI- 4 days a week (M, T, W, F) 3. Common Assessments 4. Extend learning/intensive instruction 5. FLEXIBLE!!! (Based on each child’s strengths and needs)
1. Anthology books will go home on Wednesdays and will need to be returned the following day 2. RtI book baggies need to be returned every day 3. HFW will be tested every 3 weeks 4. Please make sure that your child is reading each night and being read to by you. 5. Check out the reading resources on our first grade website
Website First Grade Website
Spelling 1. Houghton Mifflin – Program is based on reading series 2. Start when we get to Theme 3 3. Spelling tests on Friday (think of how the sounds match or don’t match the letters, highlighted parts) See invented spelling letter
Math 1. Houghton Mifflin-core book to meet state standards 2. Manipulatives- hands-on experience 3. Problem Solving- **discussing and explaining how a problem is solved (higher level thinking skills!) 4. Math Facts tested each Friday, starting once we return from fall break . Please do not lose the flashcards (you will get these at your conference).
Investigation, experiments, recording data Science 3 Units: Air and Weather Solids and Liquids Plants and Animals Investigation, experiments, recording data HANDS ON!
Social Studies Scott Foresman Booklets (no textbook) Six themes: Citizenship, People and Places, Our Country, Changes Over Time, Celebrate Cultures, and Goods and Services
Physical Education 2 days a week/City Fitness starting in September Wear tennis shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) and appropriate clothes each day to school!
Music/Computer Lab Formal music instruction every other Thursday Computer Lab once a week
Homework 1. Refer to Homework Policy on website Homework Policy 2. Please make sure your child writes his /her name and number on the cover. 3. We will discuss this further at our Goal Setting Conference, as well as model study skills for math facts, high frequency words, and spelling.
Behavior 1. Star chart 2. Please refer to your packet for further information. 3. “We’re Shooting for the Stars”
How Can I Help My Child Succeed in School? Read TO and WITH your child every night! Help your child with his/her homework every night. Only talk positively about your child’s teachers and school. Make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and is ready for school each day. For example, with your child’s help, have him/her get his/her backpack, lunch, snack, etc. ready the night before. The morning can be so busy and rushed to begin with. Teach your child to be responsible for their actions and their school work. Stay involved and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Ask your child about school everyday and encourage them to discuss the day.
Support our children, by supporting the PTA! This short video is just a glimpse of how our PTA gives back to our children. 100% of the funds raised will be used by the PTA to support Woodbury students through programs like art, music, assemblies, lunchtime activities, as well as weekly physical activities led by City Fitness! The PTA supports the Woodbury staff with various school supplies such as student planners, conduit/daily folders, classroom books, as well as the new computers for the pod! The PTA has also helped pay for instructional aides for each classroom and the health clerk. Please feel free to donate ANY amount to the PTA during the Pledge Drive and the Jog-A-Thon. Our class goal is to have 100% participation for both events! Your contributions will be the foundation on which your child will build his/her elementary experience. Thank you again for your philanthropy!!
Hooray! We Love Our PTA!
Ending Comments… 1. PLEASE feel free to email/call me with ANY concerns! 2. Communication is key 3. Questions on index cards 4. Note to your child 5. I am EXTREMELY happy to be your child’s teacher!! 6. Thank you for coming!!!