Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Choose one group of bacteria to investigate. Research your chosen bacteria. Start by visiting the Internet sites listed on hi.com.au/biol and record any other resources used.hi.com.au/biol You can use this template to prepare your conclusion. Include your information on the relevant slides. On the Bibliography slide include the details of any resources you have used. Read the instructions on the following slide before you start.
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Instructions for slides The slide templates are pre-formatted for you. Highlight the text you wish to type over. For each slide, type in your information. To insert pictures go to Insert and select Picture, then Clip Art or From File. To show your slides, go to the Slide Show menu and select View Show. Slides have been set to automatically appear. You can change these settings by going to Slide Show and then Slide Transition. No objects on slides have been animated. You can add animations by going to Slide Show and Custom Animations. Press Escape to quit the slide presentation. If you want more slides, go to the Insert menu and select New Slide or Duplicate Slide. After preparing your slides, you should delete the first two instruction slides. You can do this on each slide by going to the Edit menu, and selecting Delete Slide.
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Bacterial environments Presentation by: (insert your name here) (Insert a picture of your chosen bacteria. Delete this text box.) Name of your bacteria
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Features of >... … featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Present-day environment (Outline where the bacteria are found today.) … featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Past environment (Indicate what conditions were like on Earth when > first evolved.) … featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Examples of > (Include names and pictures of some members of >. Insert duplicate slides if you need more space.) featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Other interesting information (Include any other information that you find about >. Give this slide a title.) … featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography
Heinemann Biology Activity Manual Activity 3.5—Bacterial environments Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Enter details for any Internet sites you have used. Enter details for any books, encyclopedias, CD-ROMs etc. you have used. Bibliography featuresfeatures | present-day environment | past environment | examples | other information | bibliographypresent-day environment past environment examplesother information bibliography