2 Group Financial Highlights For the Six Months Ended June 30 YOY change (%) Turnover (HK$M)1,8581, Gross profit (HK$M) EBITDA (HK$M) Operating profit (HK$M) Profit before tax (HK$M) Profit attributable to shareholders (HK$M) Earnings per share (HK cents) Interim dividend per share - basic (HK cents) - special (HK cents) Dividend payout ratio (%)
3 Selected Financial Highlights & Ratios Selected Financial Highlights & Ratios For the Six Months Ended June Net cash & bank balances (HK$M)648784* Cash inflow from operating activities (HK$M)148 Inventory turnover on sales (days)2320 Current ratio (x) Gearing on shareholder’s equity (%) Gross margin (%) Operating margin (%) Net margin (%) * As at December 31, 2003
4 Divisional Highlights Divisional Highlights For the Six Months Ended June 30 TurnoverOperating Profit Division 2004 (In HK$M) 2003 (In HK$M) YOY Chg (%) 2004 (In HK$M) 2003 (In HK$M) YOY Chg (%) Retail And Distribution 1,7391, Manufacturing Others * Total 1,8581, * Includes interest income and intra-division eliminations
5 Retail and Distribution Division For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2004 Retail and Distribution Turnover Composition by Market Mainland China 24% (25%) Hong Kong 22% (22%) Taiwan 20% (19%) Singapore 11% (11%) Malaysia 4% (4%) Others 14% (15%) Australia 5% (4%) Note: 1H03’s figures in brackets
6 Retail and Distribution Division (Cont’d) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2004 Retail and Distribution Turnover Composition by Brand Giordano Ladies 4% (4%) Bluestar Exchange 9% (7%) Giordano core line + Junior 87% (89%) Note: 1H03’s figures in brackets
7 Retail and Distribution Division (Cont’d) Giordano core line + Junior Giordano Ladies Bluestar Exchange Retail Turnover Growth (YOY % Chg) Total comparable store sales 15.3% Total comparable store gross profit 20.5% Brand Statistics
8 (In HK$M) (Six Mths ended June 30)Percentage Change (%) Comp. Store Sales Growth (%) Mainland China Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Other Markets & Distribution Sales * TOTAL1,7391, Retail and Distribution Division Market Review All markets’ turnover grew by double-digit YOY due to low comparison bases resulted from SARS in *Other market’s comp. store sales growth
9 Retail and Distribution Division Market Review (cont’d) 70 10 30
10 Number of Outlets, by Region and by Brand (as at June 30, 2004) TotalGiordano core line Giordano Ladies Giordano Junior* Bluestar Exchange Australia Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea Mainland China Malaysia Middle East Myanmar Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Others Total1,4501, *Includes stand-alone outlets only
11 Manufacturing Division For the Six Months Ended June YOY change (%) Sales including internal sales (HK$M) Sales to external customers (HK$M) Percentage of Retail and Distribution’s total purchase 29% N.A. Contribution to the Group’s operating profit14%28%N.A. Sales to Group companies accounted for 71% of divisional sales, down from 75% in 1H03 Secured new clients from US and Europe, reducing reliance on Japanese market
12 Outlook All major markets recovered from SARS Consolidated sales and gross profits rose 5.6% and 11.5%, respectively, compared against 1H02 Optimistic with outlook Improvement trend in Taiwan; focus on recapturing market share Performance is picking up in Korea; major turn- around in 2005 Higher CAPEX to fund store refurbishment in the 2H Impress customers with high quality products instead of discount offering