ABN Correction? What Correction? Mr. James Dunn – Investment Journalist and Commentator - August 2005 ABN AFS Licence Number Presentation to clients of Goodman private wealth advisers
James Dunn Presentation
The Autumn Correction
The Autumn Correction Market down 7.5% March 21-May 5 Floats rescheduled or postponed Earnings downgrades – approximately 90 since end December 2004 to 1 May 2005 130 downgrades in total Investor complacency shaken
Profit downgrades hit share prices Pacifica down 50%* PaperlinX down 35%* PMP down 38%* Wattyl down 36%* Repco down 30%* *March peak-May low
Blink – and you missed it! Market up 11.7% since May 5 – back at record highs Profit season expectation of 15–25% earnings growth Investor complacency back in town But oil – and profit margins – still a worry
The last 12 months - what’s not to like? S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index up 29% for 12 months to 31 July 05 Index up 52.5% July 2003 – July 2005 Strong earnings growth Best back-to-back FY gains in 18 years
Warning signs that we noted Many stocks were at record highs PEs had expanded significantly Opportunistic floats Slump in retail spending Building boom & house price bubble finished
How sustainable is China’s growth? Measuring China’s economy is difficult Infrastructure bottlenecks appearing China trying to cool its economy Can China do it with limited tools at its disposal?
What about the US? Fed has raised rates 10 times in 14 months Twin deficits still growing US Dollar weakness persisting Iraq better, but geo-political risk remains Oil supply and price pressures
Reasons we were cautious… Second largest current account deficit on record Investors’ mood was buoyant Some sectors of economy slowing Many Industrial P/Es peaked at 20 times earnings Not gloom but time for reality check
Australia’s strong economy Record numbers in workforce Budget surplus swelling Exports gaining momentum Business spending taking over from consumers
Company earnings drives shares Earnings growth slowing Some P/Es contracting Market looking for more predictable earnings Downside should be limited on stocks with good yields
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