Dear Lord… Jesus’ friends and helpers gathered in a small dark room. They were afraid, sad and confused. Some were praying to God as others were still wondering what their next step will be.
? ?? ? ? Why is there such a strong wind? Then, there was a strong gust of wind. It was quite foggy.
Suddenly, there were tongues of fire on everyone's head! Everyone started to speak different languages to each other. They were instantly confident and not afraid to spread God’s Word. They also had the courage to continue Jesus’ mission and vision. Hola! Ciao! Apar Kaba?
They opened the windows in excitement to spread God’s word. The light flooded the room. Some ran out the door None of them were Afraid anymore Hello everyone!!
Don’t run away from God, instead run to him. So he can love you and make you free forever. Peter went out to the crowd and said to them……
Everyone was very inspired and believed in God stronger than ever. I agree, from now on I will run to God.
I will put a quick stop to this Saul did not like at what he had seen.
Hello, Ciao, Hola, Salve !